Masja van Meeteren
Masja van Meeteren
Criminology, Radboud University, Leiden University
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor jur.ru.nl
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Striving for a better position: Aspirations and the role of cultural, economic, and social capital for irregular migrants in Belgium
M Van Meeteren, G Engbersen, M Van San
International migration review 43 (4), 881-907, 2009
Irregular migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands: Aspirations and incorporation
M Van Meeteren
Amsterdam University Press, 2014
Life without papers: Aspirations, incorporation and transnational activities of irregular migrants in the Low Countries
MJM van Meeteren
Transnational activities and aspirations of irregular migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands
M Van Meeteren
Global Networks 12 (3), 314-332, 2012
Destination Netherlands. History of immigration and immigration policy in the Netherlands
M Van Meeteren, S Van de Pol, R Dekker, G Engbersen, E Snel
Immigrants: Acculturation, socio-economic challenges and cultural psychology …, 2013
The differential role of social networks Strategies and routes in Brazilian migration to Portugal and the Netherlands
van Meeteren and Pereira
IMI Working Paper Series, No 66, 2013
Beyond the ‘migrant network’? Exploring assistance received in the migration of Brazilians to Portugal and the Netherlands
M Van Meeteren, S Pereira
Journal of International Migration and Integration 19 (4), 925-944, 2018
Understanding different post-return experiences: the role of preparedness, return motives and family expectations for returned migrants in Morocco
M Van Meeteren, G Engbersen, E Snel, M Faber
Comparative migration studies 2, 335-360, 2014
Beyond community: An analysis of social capital and the social networks of Brazilian migrants in Amsterdam
S Roggeveen, M van Meeteren
Current Sociology 61 (7), 1078-1096, 2013
Labour trafficking in Chinese restaurants in the Netherlands and the role of Dutch immigration policies. A qualitative analysis of investigative case files
M van Meeteren, E Wiering
Crime, Law and Social Change 72 (1), 107-124, 2019
Are Muslims in the Netherlands constructed as a ‘suspect community’? An analysis of Dutch political discourse on terrorism in 2004-2015
MJ Van Meeteren, LN Van Oostendorp
Crime, Law and Social Change 71, 525-540, 2019
Irreguliere immigranten in België: inbedding, uitsluiting en criminaliteit
M Van Meeteren, M Van San, G Engbersen
Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, 2007
Living different dreams: Aspirations and social activities of irregular migrants in the low countries
M Van Meeteren
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 38 (10), 1643-1659, 2012
'Zonder papieren': over de positie van irreguliere migranten en de rol van het vreemdelingenbeleid in België
M van Meeteren, M van San, G Engbersen
Acco, 2008
Self-identification of victimization of labor trafficking
M van Meeteren, J Hiah
The Palgrave international handbook of human trafficking, 1605-1618, 2020
Declining migration from Morocco to the Netherlands and the diminutive causation of migration
G Engbersen, E Snel, M van Meeteren
International Migration Institute, 2013
Trajectories of economic integration of amnestied immigrants in Rotterdam
M Van Meeteren, P Mascini, D van den Berg
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (3), 448-469, 2015
New roles for social networks in migration? Assistance in Brazilian migration to Portugal and the Netherlands
M van Meeteren, S Pereira
Beyond networks: feedback in international migration, 47-68, 2016
Discoursen van integratie. De omslag in het politieke debat over integratie in Nederland
M Van Meeteren
Erasmus University Rotterdam: Rotterdam, 2005
De ongekende samenleving: schattingen en inzichten over irreguliere migranten en economische schaduwactiviteiten
S Adriaenssens, M Van Meeteren, J Pacolet, F De Wispelaere, ...
Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering; Brussel, 2009
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