Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Kirsten MartensMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 1
From Microscopic Insight to Constitutive Models: Bridging Length Scales in Soft and Hard Materials
E Del Gado, K Martens, RJM Pellenq
Handbook of Materials Modeling: Applications: Current and Emerging Materials …, 2020
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation
Ergens beschikbaar: 31
Deformation and flow of amorphous solids: Insights from elastoplastic models
A Nicolas, EE Ferrero, K Martens, JL Barrat
Reviews of Modern Physics 90 (4), 045006, 2018
Mandaten: Department of Science & Technology, India, European Commission, Government …
Predicting plasticity in disordered solids from structural indicators
D Richard, M Ozawa, S Patinet, E Stanifer, B Shang, SA Ridout, B Xu, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (11), 113609, 2020
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Driving rate dependence of avalanche statistics and shapes at the yielding transition
C Liu, EE Ferrero, F Puosi, JL Barrat, K Martens
Physical review letters 116 (6), 065501, 2016
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
Connecting diffusion and dynamical heterogeneities in actively deformed amorphous systems
K Martens, L Bocquet, JL Barrat
Physical review letters 106 (15), 156001, 2011
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation
Relaxation in yield stress systems through elastically interacting activated events
EE Ferrero, K Martens, JL Barrat
Physical review letters 113 (24), 248301, 2014
Mandaten: European Commission
Cell division and death inhibit glassy behaviour of confluent tissues
DA Matoz-Fernandez, K Martens, R Sknepnek, JL Barrat, S Henkes
Soft matter 13 (17), 3205-3212, 2017
Mandaten: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Engineering …
Confinement-induced transition between wavelike collective cell migration modes
V Petrolli, M Le Goff, M Tadrous, K Martens, C Allier, O Mandula, L Hervé, ...
Physical review letters 122 (16), 168101, 2019
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health and Medical …
On the relevance of disorder in athermal amorphous materials under shear
E Agoritsas, E Bertin, K Martens, JL Barrat
The European Physical Journal E 38, 1-22, 2015
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Nonlinear rheology in a model biological tissue
DA Matoz-Fernandez, E Agoritsas, JL Barrat, E Bertin, K Martens
Physical review letters 118 (15), 158105, 2017
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Probing relevant ingredients in mean-field approaches for the athermal rheology of yield stress materials
F Puosi, J Olivier, K Martens
Soft matter 11 (38), 7639-7647, 2015
Mandaten: European Commission
Designed patterns: Flexible control of precipitation through electric currents
I Bena, M Droz, I Lagzi, K Martens, Z Rácz, A Volford
Physical review letters 101 (7), 075701, 2008
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation
Microscopic precursors of failure in soft matter
L Cipelletti, K Martens, L Ramos
Soft matter 16 (1), 82-93, 2020
Mandaten: Department of Science & Technology, India, European Commission, Agence …
Domain Wall Roughness in Stripe Phase Thin Films
B Ziegler, K Martens, T Giamarchi, P Paruch
Physical review letters 111 (24), 247604, 2013
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation
Guiding fields for phase separation: Controlling Liesegang patterns
T Antal, I Bena, M Droz, K Martens, Z Racz
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (4 …, 2007
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation
Elastoplastic approach based on microscopic insights for the steady state and transient dynamics of sheared disordered solids
C Liu, S Dutta, P Chaudhuri, K Martens
Physical Review Letters 126 (13), 138005, 2021
Mandaten: Department of Science & Technology, India, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The fate of shear-oscillated amorphous solids
C Liu, EE Ferrero, EA Jagla, K Martens, A Rosso, L Talon
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (10), 2022
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Argentina
Mean-field scenario for the athermal creep dynamics of yield-stress fluids
C Liu, K Martens, JL Barrat
Physical Review Letters 120 (2), 028004, 2018
Mandaten: Department of Science & Technology, India, European Commission
Non-trivial rheological exponents in sheared yield stress fluids
E Agoritsas, K Martens
Soft Matter 13 (26), 4653-4660, 2017
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, European …
Creep dynamics of athermal amorphous materials: a mesoscopic approach
C Liu, EE Ferrero, K Martens, JL Barrat
Soft matter 14 (41), 8306-8316, 2018
Mandaten: Department of Science & Technology, India, European Commission, Government …
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