Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Alessandro VonaMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 10
The geochemical evolution of clinopyroxene in the Roman Province: a window on decarbonation from wall-rocks to magma
S Mollo, A Vona
Lithos 192, 1-7, 2014
Mandaten: European Commission
Models for viscosity and shear localization in bubble-rich magmas
A Vona, AG Ryan, JK Russell, C Romano
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 449, 26-38, 2016
Mandaten: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Kinetic partitioning of major and trace cations between clinopyroxene and phonotephritic melt under convective stirring conditions: New insights into clinopyroxene sector …
F Di Fiore, S Mollo, A Vona, A MacDonald, T Ubide, M Nazzari, ...
Chemical Geology 584, 120531, 2021
Mandaten: Government of Italy
Modelling and physico-chemical constraints to the 4.5 ka Agnano-Monte Spina Plinian eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy)
C Romano, A Vona, S Campagnola, G Giordano, I Arienzo, R Isaia
Chemical Geology 532, 119301, 2020
Mandaten: Government of Italy
Viscosity of Palmas-type magmas of the Paraná Magmatic Province (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil): Implications for high-temperature silicic volcanism
D Giordano, A Vona, D Gonzalez-Garcia, A Allabar, S Kolzenburg, L Polo, ...
Chemical Geology 560, 119981, 2021
Mandaten: German Research Foundation, European Commission, Government of Italy
Linking magma texture, rheology and eruptive style during the 472 AD Pollena Subplinian eruption (Somma-Vesuvius)
A Vona, C Romano, G Giordano, R Sulpizio
Lithos 370, 105658, 2020
Mandaten: Government of Italy
Unsteady magma discharge during the “El Retiro” subplinian eruption (Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica): insights from textural and petrological analyses
A Di Piazza, A Vona, S Mollo, G De Astis, GJ Soto, C Romano
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 371, 101-115, 2019
Mandaten: Government of Italy
Micro-Raman water calibration in ultrapotassic silicate glasses: Application to phono-tephrites and K-foidites of Colli Albani Volcanic District (Central Italy)
B Bonechi, M Gaeta, C Perinelli, P Moschini, C Romano, A Vona
Chemical Geology 597, 120816, 2022
Mandaten: Government of Italy
The effect of pores (fluid-filled vs. drained) on magma rheology
S Sicola, A Vona, AG Ryan, JK Russell, C Romano
Chemical Geology 569, 120147, 2021
Mandaten: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Government of Italy
Like a cannonball: origin of dense spherical basaltic ejecta
A Di Piazza, E Del Bello, S Mollo, A Vona, GE Alvarado, M Masotta
Bulletin of Volcanology 79, 1-9, 2017
Mandaten: Government of Italy
Ergens beschikbaar: 25
24 h stability of thick multilayer silicene in air
P De Padova, C Ottaviani, C Quaresima, B Olivieri, P Imperatori, ...
2D Materials 1 (2), 021003, 2014
Mandaten: Government of Italy
Effect of iron and nanolites on Raman spectra of volcanic glasses: A reassessment of existing strategies to estimate the water content
D Di Genova, S Sicola, C Romano, A Vona, S Fanara, L Spina
Chemical Geology 475, 76-86, 2017
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council, Government of Italy
Depth of formation of super-deep diamonds: Raman barometry of CaSiO3-walstromite inclusions
C Anzolini, M Prencipe, M Alvaro, C Romano, A Vona, S Lorenzon, ...
American Mineralogist 103 (1), 69-74, 2018
Mandaten: European Commission, Government of Italy
The multiphase rheology of magmas from Monte Nuovo (Campi Flegrei, Italy)
A Vona, C Romano, D Giordano, JK Russell
Chemical Geology 346, 213-227, 2013
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Raman spectra of Martian glass analogues: A tool to approximate their chemical composition
D Di Genova, S Kolzenburg, A Vona, MO Chevrel, KU Hess, DR Neuville, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 121 (5), 740-752, 2016
Mandaten: European Commission, Government of Italy
A chemical threshold controls nanocrystallization and degassing behaviour in basalt magmas
A Scarani, A Zandonà, F Di Fiore, P Valdivia, R Putra, N Miyajima, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 284, 2022
Mandaten: German Research Foundation, Government of Italy
An extended rheological map of pāhoehoe‐‘a ‘ā transition
F Di Fiore, A Vona, S Kolzenburg, S Mollo, C Romano
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126, e2021JB022035, 2021
Mandaten: European Commission, Government of Italy
Experimental constraints on the rheology of lavas from 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption (La Palma, Spain)
F Di Fiore, A Vona, A Scarani, G Giordano, C Romano, D Giordano, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (4), e2022GL100970, 2023
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation, Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Strain‐dependent rheology of silicate melt foams: importance for outgassing of silicic lavas
AG Ryan, JK Russell, MJ Heap, S Kolzenburg, A Vona, ARL Kushnir
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (8), 8167-8186, 2019
Mandaten: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, European …
Quantifying the influence of cooling and shear rate on the disequilibrium rheology of a trachybasaltic melt from Mt. Etna
F Di Fiore, A Vona, A Costa, S Mollo, C Romano
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 594, 117725, 2022
Mandaten: Government of Italy
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