Punpiti Piamsa-nga
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Image analysis of broken rice grains of Khao Dawk Mali rice
D Ngampak, P Piamsa-nga
2015 7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST …, 2015
A feature score for classifying class-imbalanced data
P Pramokchon, P Piamsa-nga
2014 International computer science and engineering conference (ICSEC), 409-414, 2014
Measuring and analysis of the thai world wide web
S Sanguanpong, P Piamsa-nga, Y Poovarawan, S Warangrit
Proc. of the Asia Pacific Advance Network conference, 225-330, 2000
Multi-feature content based image retrieval
P Piamsa-nga, NA Alexandridis, S Srakaew, G Blankenship, ...
International Conference on Computer Graphics and imaging, 1-4, 1998
Parallel image processing in heterogeneous computing network systems
P Chalermwat, N Alexandridis, P Piamsa-Nga, M O'Connell
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2, 161-164, 1996
Visual content representation using semantically similar visual words
K Kesorn, S Chimlek, S Poslad, P Piamsa-Nga
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (9), 11472-11481, 2011
A unified model for multimedia retrieval by content.
P Piamsa-nga, NA Alexandridis, GC Blankenship Jr, ...
CATA, 246-249, 1998
An unsupervised, fast correlation-based filter for feature selection for data clustering
P Pramokchon, P Piamsa-nga
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and …, 2014
Content-based audio retrieval using a generalized algorithm
P Piamsa-Nga, SR Subramanya, NA Alexandridis, S Srakaew, ...
Advances in Intelligent Systems: Concepts, Tools and Applications, 231-242, 1999
A parallel model for multimedia database on cluster system environment
P Piamsa-Nga, S Srakaew, NA Alexandridis, G Blankenship
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Proceedings. ISIE'98 …, 1998
In-picture search algorithm for content-based image retrieval
P Piamsa-nga, NA Alexandridis, GC Blankenship, SR Subramanya
Proceedings 1999 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat …, 1999
Novel feature extractions for reflection, alligator cracks and potholes road surface classification
P Khumsap, N Phisanbut, P Watanapongse, P Piamsa-nga
2018 22nd International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC), 1-4, 2018
Motion estimation and detection of complex object by analyzing resampled movements of parts
P Piamsa-nga, N Babaguchi
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 1, 365-368, 2004
In-clip search algorithm for content-based audio retrieval
P Piamsa-Nga, NA Alexandridis, S Srakaew, GC Blankenship, ...
Proceedings Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 1999
Content-based multimedia data retrieval on cluster system environment
S Srakaew, N Alexandridis, P Piamsa-nga, G Blankenship
High-Performance Computing and Networking: 7th International Conference …, 1999
A scheme for content-based image retrievals for unrestricted query formats
SR Subramanya, P Piamsa-nga, NA Alexandridis, A Youssef
International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems and Technology (CISST …, 1998
FACET: PC-parallel architecture for cost-efficient telemetry processing
T El-Ghazawi, P Chalermwat, P Piamsa-nga, A Ozkaya, N Speciale, ...
1998 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings (Cat. No. 98TH8339) 4, 347-354, 1998
A parallel model for multimedia retrieval based on multidimensional signal structure
S Srakaew, NA Alexandridis, P Piamsa-nga, G Blankenship, ...
International workshop on systems, signal and image processing (IWSSIP98), 3-5, 1998
Design a curriculum with user-experience analysis: Case study computing science curriculum
P Piamsa-nga, Y Poovarawan
Blended Learning. Education in a Smart Learning Environment: 13th …, 2020
Effective threshold estimation for filter-based feature selection
P Pramokchon, P Piamsa-nga
2016 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC), 1-6, 2016
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