Graph visualization techniques for web clustering engines E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (2), 294-304, 2007
107 2007 Combining network visualization and data mining for tax risk assessment W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta, L Menconi, F Montecchiani, D Pagliuca
Ieee Access 8, 16073-16086, 2020
62 2020 Gap-planar graphs SW Bae, JF Baffier, J Chun, P Eades, K Eickmeyer, L Grilli, SH Hong, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 745, 36-52, 2018
54 2018 On the recognition of fan-planar and maximal outer-fan-planar graphs MA Bekos, S Cornelsen, L Grilli, SH Hong, M Kaufmann
Algorithmica 79, 401-427, 2017
54 2017 An algorithm to construct greedy drawings of triangulations P Angelini, F Frati, L Grilli
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 14 (1), 19-51, 2010
50 2010 An algorithm to construct greedy drawings of triangulations P Angelini, F Frati, L Grilli
International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 26-37, 2008
46 2008 Visual querying and analysis of temporal fiscal networks W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta, F Montecchiani, D Pagliuca
Information Sciences 505, 406-421, 2019
21 2019 Orthogeodesic point-set embedding of trees E Di Giacomo, F Frati, R Fulek, L Grilli, M Krug
Computational Geometry 46 (8), 929-944, 2013
21 2013 Drawing simultaneously embedded graphs with few bends L Grilli, SH Hong, J Kratochvíl, I Rutter
International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 40-51, 2014
16 2014 Drawing bipartite graphs on two curves E Di Giacomo, L Grilli, G Liotta
Graph Drawing: 14th International Symposium, GD 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany …, 2007
16 2007 A topology-driven approach to the design of web meta-search clustering engines E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta
SOFSEM 2005: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 31st Conference on …, 2005
15 2005 Fan-planar graphs MA Bekos, L Grilli
Beyond Planar Graphs: Communications of NII Shonan Meetings, 131-148, 2020
13 2020 Heuristics for the maximum 2-layer RAC subgraph problem E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta, SA Romeo
The Computer Journal 58 (5), 1085-1098, 2015
12 2015 Hamiltonian orthogeodesic alternating paths E Di Giacomo, L Grilli, M Krug, G Liotta, I Rutter
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 16, 34-52, 2012
11 2012 Whatsonweb+: An enhanced visual search clustering engine E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta, P Palladino
2008 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 167-174, 2008
11 2008 Drawing bipartite graphs on two parallel convex curves. E Di Giacomo, L Grilli, G Liotta
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 12 (1), 97-112, 2008
8 2008 Visibility representations of boxes in 2.5 dimensions A Arleo, C Binucci, E Di Giacomo, WS Evans, L Grilli, G Liotta, H Meijer, ...
Computational Geometry 72, 19-33, 2018
7 2018 Whatsonweb: Using graph drawing to search the web E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta
Graph Drawing: 13th International Symposium, GD 2005, Limerick, Ireland …, 2006
7 2006 Invisible supply chain attacks based on trojan source E Buchicchio, L Grilli, E Capobianco, S Cipriano, D Antonini
Computer 55 (10), 18-25, 2022
6 2022 On the -hardness of GRacSim Drawing and k-SEFE Problems L Grilli
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.04178, 2016
6 2016