Jiajie Zhang
Jiajie Zhang
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; The Ohio State University, University of
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Representations in distributed cognitive tasks
J Zhang, DA Norman
Cognitive science 18 (1), 87-122, 1994
The nature of external representations in problem solving
J Zhang
Cognitive science 21 (2), 179-217, 1997
The prospective, observational, multicenter, major trauma transfusion (PROMMTT) study: comparative effectiveness of a time-varying treatment with competing risks
JB Holcomb, DJ Del Junco, EE Fox, CE Wade, MJ Cohen, MA Schreiber, ...
JAMA surgery 148 (2), 127-136, 2013
The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning
KJ Holyoak, RG Morrison
Cambridge University Press, 2005
Using usability heuristics to evaluate patient safety of medical devices
J Zhang, TR Johnson, VL Patel, DL Paige, T Kubose
Journal of biomedical informatics 36 (1), 23-30, 2003
Enhancing patient safety and quality of care by improving the usability of electronic health record systems: recommendations from AMIA
B Middleton, M Bloomrosen, MA Dente, B Hashmat, R Koppel, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (e1), e2-e8, 2013
The multitasking clinician: decision-making and cognitive demand during and after team handoffs in emergency care
A Laxmisan, F Hakimzada, OR Sayan, RA Green, J Zhang, VL Patel
International journal of medical informatics 76 (11-12), 801-811, 2007
A user-centered framework for redesigning health care interfaces
CM Johnson, TR Johnson, J Zhang
Journal of biomedical informatics 38 (1), 75-87, 2005
Distributed cognition, representation, and affordance
J Zhang, VL Patel
Pragmatics & Cognition 14 (2), 333-341, 2006
TURF: Toward a unified framework of EHR usability
J Zhang, MF Walji
Journal of biomedical informatics 44 (6), 1056-1067, 2011
A representational analysis of numeration systems
J Zhang, DA Norman
Cognition 57 (3), 271-295, 1995
The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning
KJ Holyoak, RG Morrison
Oxford University Press, 2012
A cognitive taxonomy of medical errors
J Zhang, VL Patel, TR Johnson, EH Shortliffe
Journal of biomedical informatics 37 (3), 193-204, 2004
Teledentistry and its use in dental education
JW Chen, MH HOB-DELL, K Dunn, KA Johnson, J ZHANG
The Journal of the American Dental Association 134 (3), 342-346, 2003
Thinking and reasoning in medicine
VL Patel, JF Arocha, J Zhang
The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning 14, 727-750, 2005
Thinking and reasoning in medicine
VL Patel, JF Arocha, J Zhang
The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning 14, 727-750, 2005
A concept analysis of the phenomenon interruption
JJ Brixey, DJ Robinson, CW Johnson, TR Johnson, JP Turley, J Zhang
Advances in Nursing Science 30 (1), E26-E42, 2007
A representational analysis of relational information displays
J Zhang
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 45 (1), 59-74, 1996
Interruptions in a level one trauma center: a case study
JJ Brixey, Z Tang, DJ Robinson, CW Johnson, TR Johnson, JP Turley, ...
International journal of medical informatics 77 (4), 235-241, 2008
Handbook of applied cognition
FT Durso, RS Nickerson, ST Dumais, S Lewandowsky, TJ Perfect
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
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