Marie Johansson
Marie Johansson
Professor träbyggnadsteknik, Linnéuniversitet
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Positively and negatively charged residues have different effects on the position in the membrane of a model transmembrane helix
M Monné, IM Nilsson, M Johansson, N Elmhed, G von Heijne
Journal of molecular biology 284 (4), 1177-1183, 1998
Prediction of timber bending strength and in-member cross-sectional stiffness vartiation on basis of local wood fibre orientation
A Olsson, J Oscarsson, E Serrano, B Källsner, M Johansson, B Enquist
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 71 (3), 319-333, 2013
Distortion of Norway spruce timber Part 1. Variation of relevant wood properties: Part 1. Variation of relevant wood properties
M Perstorper, M Johansson, R Kliger, G Johansson
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 59, 94-103, 2001
Positively charged amino acids placed next to a signal sequence block protein translocation more efficiently in Escherichia coli than in mammalian microsomes
M Johansson, IM Nilsson, G von Heijne
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 239, 251-256, 1993
Distortion of Norway spruce timber Part 2. Modelling twist: Part 2. Modelling twist
M Johansson, M Perstorper, R Kliger, G Johansson
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 59, 155-162, 2001
Bending creep performance of modified timber
H Epmeier, M Johansson, R Kliger, M Westin
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 65 (5), 343-351, 2007
Prediction of timber bending strength on basis of bending stiffness and material homogeneity assessed from dynamic excitation
A Olsson, J Oscarsson, M Johansson, B Källsner
Wood science and technology 46, 667-683, 2012
Material properties and their interrelation in chemically modified clear wood of Scots pine
H Epmeier, M Johansson, R Kliger, M Westin
Walter de Gruyter 61 (1), 34-42, 2007
Divergent evolution of membrane protein topology: The Escherichia coli RnfA and RnfE homologues
A Sääf, M Johansson, E Wallin, G von Heijne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (15), 8540-8544, 1999
Influence of material characteristics on warp in Norway spruce studs
M Johansson, R Kliger
Wood and Fiber Science, 325-336, 2002
Strengthening timber with CFRP or steel plates–short and long-term performance
R Kliger, M Johansson, R Crocetti, M Al-Emrani
Proceedings of world conference on timber engineering, Miyazaki, Japan, 2-5, 2008
Finite element study of growth stress formation in wood and related distortion of sawn timber
S Ormarsson, O Dahlblom, M Johansson
Wood Science and Technology 43 (5), 387-403, 2009
Distortion of Norway spruce timber: Part 3: Modelling bow and spring
R Kliger, M Johansson, M Perstorper, G Johansson
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 61, 241-250, 2003
Effects of reaction wood on the performance of wood and wood-based products
R Wimmer, M Johansson
The biology of reaction wood, 225-248, 2013
Strengthening glulam beams with steel or CFRP plates
R Kliger, M Al-Emrani, M Johansson, R Crocetti
Asia-PacificConf. on FRP in Structures (APFIS2007), International Institute …, 2007
Moisture-induced distortion in Norway spruce timber: Experiments and models.
M Johansson
Building higher with light-weight timber structures-the effect of wind induced vibrations
M Johansson, A Linderholt, Å Bolmsvik, K Jarnerö, J Olsson, T Reynolds
44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering …, 2015
Local variation of modulus of elasticity in timber determined on the basis of non-contact deformation measurement and scanned fibre orientation
M Hu, M Johansson, A Olsson, J Oscarsson, B Enquist
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 73, 17-27, 2015
Design of timber structures
R Crocetti, M Johansson, H Johnsson, R Kliger, A Mårtensson, B Norlin, ...
Swedish Wood, 2011
Membrane topology of Kch, a putative K+ channel from Escherichia coli
M Johansson, G von Heijne
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (42), 25912-25915, 1996
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