Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Tanguy Le BorgneMeer informatie
Ergens beschikbaar: 74
Impact of velocity correlation and distribution on transport in fractured media: Field evidence and theoretical model
PK Kang, T Le Borgne, M Dentz, O Bour, R Juanes
Water Resources Research 51 (2), 940-959, 2015
Mandaten: US Department of Energy, European Commission
Challenges in modeling unstable two‐phase flow experiments in porous micromodels
A Ferrari, J Jimenez‐Martinez, TL Borgne, Y Méheust, I Lunati
Water Resources Research 51 (3), 1381-1400, 2015
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation
Stretching, coalescence, and mixing in porous media
T Le Borgne, M Dentz, E Villermaux
Physical review letters 110 (20), 204501, 2013
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Characterizing groundwater flow and heat transport in fractured rock using fiber‐optic distributed temperature sensing
T Read, O Bour, V Bense, T Le Borgne, P Goderniaux, MV Klepikova, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (10), 2055-2059, 2013
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Distributed T emperature S ensing as a downhole tool in hydrogeology
VF Bense, T Read, O Bour, T Le Borgne, T Coleman, S Krause, A Chalari, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (12), 9259-9273, 2016
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
The lamellar description of mixing in porous media
T Le Borgne, M Dentz, E Villermaux
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 770, 458-498, 2015
Mandaten: European Commission
Spatial Markov model of anomalous transport through random lattice networks
PK Kang, M Dentz, T Le Borgne, R Juanes
Physical review letters 107 (18), 180602, 2011
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Anomalous transport on regular fracture networks: Impact of conductivity heterogeneity and mixing at fracture intersections
PK Kang, M Dentz, T Le Borgne, R Juanes
Physical Review E 92 (2), 022148, 2015
Mandaten: US Department of Energy, European Commission
Continuous time random walks for the evolution of Lagrangian velocities
M Dentz, PK Kang, A Comolli, T Le Borgne, DR Lester
Physical Review Fluids 1 (7), 074004, 2016
Mandaten: European Commission
The filamentary structure of mixing fronts and its control on reaction kinetics in porous media flows
P De Anna, M Dentz, A Tartakovsky, T Le Borgne
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (13), 4586-4593, 2014
Mandaten: European Commission, Government of Spain
Active‐distributed temperature sensing to continuously quantify vertical flow in boreholes
T Read, O Bour, JS Selker, VF Bense, TL Borgne, R Hochreutener, ...
Water Resources Research 50 (5), 3706-3713, 2014
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Anomalous transport in disordered fracture networks: Spatial Markov model for dispersion with variable injection modes
PK Kang, M Dentz, T Le Borgne, S Lee, R Juanes
Advances in Water Resources 106, 80-94, 2017
Mandaten: US Department of Energy, European Commission
Impact of fluid deformation on mixing‐induced chemical reactions in heterogeneous flows
TL Borgne, TR Ginn, M Dentz
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (22), 7898-7906, 2014
Mandaten: European Commission
Velocity distributions, dispersion and stretching in three-dimensional porous media
M Souzy, H Lhuissier, Y Méheust, T Le Borgne, B Metzger
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 891, A16, 2020
Mandaten: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Iron-oxidizer hotspots formed by intermittent oxic–anoxic fluid mixing in fractured rocks
O Bochet, L Bethencourt, A Dufresne, J Farasin, M Pédrot, T Labasque, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (2), 149-155, 2020
Mandaten: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Fracture imaging within a granitic rock aquifer using multiple-offset single-hole and cross-hole GPR reflection data
C Dorn, N Linde, J Doetsch, T Le Borgne, O Bour
Journal of applied geophysics 78, 123-132, 2012
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation
Stretching and folding sustain microscale chemical gradients in porous media
J Heyman, DR Lester, R Turuban, Y Méheust, T Le Borgne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (24), 13359-13365, 2020
Mandaten: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Chaotic mixing in three-dimensional porous media
DR Lester, M Dentz, T Le Borgne
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 803, 144-174, 2016
Mandaten: European Commission
Heat as a tracer for understanding transport processes in fractured media: Theory and field assessment from multiscale thermal push‐pull tracer tests
MV Klepikova, T Le Borgne, O Bour, M Dentz, R Hochreutener, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (7), 5442-5457, 2016
Mandaten: European Commission
Time evolution of mixing in heterogeneous porous media
JR de Dreuzy, J Carrera, M Dentz, T Le Borgne
Water resources research 48 (6), 2012
Mandaten: Government of Spain
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