Alexander Hayes
Alexander Hayes
Oethica Group Productions
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The Australian mobile learning network: Australian innovations
M Ragus, S Meredith, D Dacey, C Richter, A Paterson, A Hayes
Proceedings of mLearn 2005, 4th, 2005
New Practices in Flexible Learning Txt Me: Supporting disengaged youth using mobile phones
A Ison, A Hayes, S Robinson, J Jamieson
High-Tech Child's Play in the Cloud: Be safe and aware of the difference between virtual and real
K Michael, A Hayes
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 5 (1), 123-128, 2015
Txt Me: Supporting disengaged youth using mobile technologies
A Ison, A Hayes, S Robinson, J Jamieson
Australian Flexible Learning Framework. Retrieved August 15, 2005, 2004
Identity awareness and re-use of research data in veillance and social computing
A Hayes, S Mann, A Aryani, S Sabine, L Blackall, P Waugh, S Ridgway
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS): Social …, 2013
Cyborg Cops, Googlers, and Connectivism [Leading Edge]
A Hayes
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 32 (1), 23-24, 2013
Scenarios for peer-to-peer learning in construction with emerging forms of collaborative computing
T Leinonen, J Purrna, K Ngua, A Hayes
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS): Social …, 2013
My journey into glass: Talking about google glass with stakeholders in the glass explorer program
A Hayes
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 5 (1), 102-106, 2015
WORKSHOP| Body worn video recorders: The socio-technical implications of gathering direct evidence
K Michael, A Hayes
INFORMA Police Technology Forum 2013, 2013
Uberveillance: Where Wear and Educative Arrangement
A Hayes
Hayes, A. in M.G. Michael and Katina Michael. Uberveillance and the Social …, 2013
The sky is the limit [Interview]
A Hayes
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 33 (2), 19-22, 2014
New practices in flexible learning
A Ison, A Hayes, S Robinson, J Jamieson
Txt me: Supporting disengaged youth using mobile technologies. Australian …, 2004
Pervasive Technology: Aboriginal Communities and Oppression
A Hayes
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=8169156, 2017
On country: Australian aboriginal communities, mining, and artificial intelligence [Opinion]
A Hayes
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 36 (3), 37-40, 2017
Reflections: Glass & Mobile Learning
LE Dyson, A Hayes, S Bizri, SA Ariffin
anzMLearn Transactions on Mobile Learning 1 (2012), 5-9, 2012
Action Determination
A Hayes
https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.25405438.v1 1, 377, 2024
The Socioethical Implications of Body Worn Computers: An Ethnographic Study
A Hayes
University of Wollongong Research Online, 2020
2017 Index IEEE Technology and Society Magazine Vol. 36
A Ahmed, G Aksherian, S Alesich, A Ali, A Arabian, M Arnold, S Babu, ...
IEEE TEchnology and SocIETy MagazInE, 2017
Body Worn Cameras: A Bibliography and Sources
A Hayes
Coding Data As A Self Organising System
A Hayes
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