Jacob Halatek
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Rethinking pattern formation in reaction–diffusion systems
J Halatek, E Frey
Nature Physics 14 (5), 507-514, 2018
Self-organization principles of intracellular pattern formation
J Halatek, F Brauns, E Frey
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Highly canalized MinD transfer and MinE sequestration explain the origin of robust MinCDE-protein dynamics
J Halatek, E Frey
Cell reports 1 (6), 741-752, 2012
Phase-space geometry of mass-conserving reaction-diffusion dynamics
F Brauns, J Halatek, E Frey
Physical Review X 10 (4), 041036, 2020
MinE conformational switching confers robustness on self-organized Min protein patterns
J Denk, S Kretschmer, J Halatek, C Hartl, P Schwille, E Frey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (18), 4553-4558, 2018
Geometry-induced protein pattern formation
D Thalmeier, J Halatek, E Frey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (3), 548-553, 2016
Multistability and dynamic transitions of intracellular Min protein patterns
F Wu, J Halatek, M Reiter, E Kingma, E Frey, C Dekker
Molecular systems biology 12 (6), 873, 2016
Wavelength selection by interrupted coarsening in reaction-diffusion systems
F Brauns, H Weyer, J Halatek, J Yoon, E Frey
Physical Review Letters 126 (10), 104101, 2021
Geometric cues stabilise long-axis polarisation of PAR protein patterns in C. elegans
R Geßele, J Halatek, L Würthner, E Frey
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-12, 2020
Bulk-surface coupling identifies the mechanistic connection between Min-protein patterns in vivo and in vitro
F Brauns, G Pawlik, J Halatek, J Kerssemakers, E Frey, C Dekker
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-11, 2021
Design of biochemical pattern forming systems from minimal motifs
P Glock, F Brauns, J Halatek, E Frey, P Schwille
Elife 8, e48646, 2019
Protein pattern formation
E Frey, J Halatek, S Kretschmer, P Schwille
Physics of biological membranes, 229-260, 2018
Bridging scales in a multiscale pattern-forming system
L Würthner, F Brauns, G Pawlik, J Halatek, J Kerssemakers, C Dekker, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (33), e2206888119, 2022
Interpretation of morphogen gradients by a synthetic bistable circuit
PK Grant, G Szep, O Patange, J Halatek, V Coppard, A Csikász-Nagy, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5545, 2020
Redundancy and the role of protein copy numbers in the cell polarization machinery of budding yeast
F Brauns, L Iñigo de la Cruz, WKG Daalman, I de Bruin, J Halatek, L Laan, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 6504, 2023
Turing patterning in stratified domains
AL Krause, V Klika, J Halatek, PK Grant, TE Woolley, N Dalchau, ...
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82 (10), 136, 2020
Effective 2D model does not account for geometry sensing by self-organized proteins patterns
J Halatek, E Frey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (18), E1817-E1817, 2014
Diffusive coupling of two well-mixed compartments elucidates elementary principles of protein-based pattern formation
F Brauns, J Halatek, E Frey
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013258, 2021
Stochastic Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion Systems
M Hartmann, E Frey, J Halatek
Master’s thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, 2013
Reconstructing spatiotemporal protein patterns in heterogeneous systems
L Würthner, F Brauns, G Pawlik, J Halatek, J Kerssemakers, C Dekker, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, W02. 012, 2022
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