Alessio Zandona
Alessio Zandona
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Unravelling the effect of nano-heterogeneity on the viscosity of silicate melts: Implications for glass manufacturing and volcanic eruptions
D Di Genova, A Zandona, J Deubener
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 545, 120248, 2020
TiO2 (B) nanocrystals in Ti-doped lithium aluminosilicate glasses
A Zandona, C Patzig, B Rüdinger, O Hochrein, J Deubener
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X 2, 100025, 2019
A chemical threshold controls nanocrystallization and degassing behaviour in basalt magmas
A Scarani, A Zandonà, F Di Fiore, P Valdivia, R Putra, N Miyajima, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 284, 2022
Glass-forming ability and ZrO2 saturation limits in the magnesium aluminosilicate system
A Zandonà, M Moustrous, C Genevois, E Véron, A Canizarès, M Allix
Ceramics International 48 (6), 8433-8439, 2022
Highly nonstoichiometric YAG ceramics with modified luminescence properties
W Cao, AI Becerro, V Castaing, X Fang, P Florian, F Fayon, D Zanghi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (14), 2213418, 2023
Crystallization and SiAl ordering in cordierite glass-ceramics
A Zandona, B Rüdinger, O Hochrein, J Deubener
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 498, 160-166, 2018
Spray‐Dried TiO2(B)‐Containing Photocatalytic Glass‐Ceramic Nanobeads
A Zandona, A Martínez Arias, M Gutbrod, G Helsch, AP Weber, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (8), 2007760, 2021
Kinetic fragility of pure TeO2 glass
R Al-Mukadam, A Zandona, J Deubener
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 554, 120595, 2021
Inversion of quartz solid solutions at cryogenic temperatures
A Zandona, G Helsch, J Deubener
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (11), 6630-6638, 2020
Crystallization sequence within the keatite solid solution–cordierite mixed compositional triangle with TiO2 as nucleating agent
A Zandona, B Rüdinger, O Hochrein, J Deubener
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 505, 320-332, 2019
Are volcanic melts less viscous than we thought? The case of Stromboli basalt
P Valdivia, A Zandonà, A Kurnosov, TB Ballaran, J Deubener, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178 (7), 45, 2023
Oxidation and coordination states assumed by transition metal dopants in an invert ultrabasic silicate glass
A Zandonà, V Castaing, AI Shames, G Helsch, J Deubener, AI Becerro, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 603, 122094, 2023
Viscosity of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite melts
D Di Genova, D Bondar, A Zandonà, P Valdivia, R Al-Mukadam, H Fei, ...
Chemical Geology 625, 121440, 2023
Non-stoichiometric crystal nucleation in a spodumene glass containing TiO2 as seed former: Effects on the viscosity of the residual melt
A Zandonà, A Scarani, J Löschmann, MR Cicconi, F Di Fiore, D de Ligny, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 619, 122563, 2023
Mg‐bearing quartz solid solutions as structural intermediates between low and high quartz
A Zandona, B Rüdinger, J Deubener
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 104 (2), 1146-1155, 2021
Glass formation and devitrification behavior of alkali (Li, Na) aluminosilicate melts containing TiO2
A Zandonà, S Ory, C Genevois, E Véron, A Canizarès, MJ Pitcher, M Allix
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 582, 121448, 2022
Towards new zero-thermal-expansion materials: Li-free quartz solid solutions stuffed with transition metal cations
H Bazzaoui, C Genevois, E Véron, MJ Pitcher, M Allix, A Zandonà
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 43 (4), 1639-1648, 2023
Glass-forming ability and structural features of melt-quenched and gel-derived SiO2-TiO2 glasses
A Zandonà, E Chesneau, G Helsch, A Canizarès, J Deubener, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 598, 121967, 2022
Rapid-quenching of high-pressure depolymerized hydrous silicate (peridotitic) glasses
D Bondar, A Zandonà, AC Withers, H Fei, D Di Genova, N Miyajima, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 578, 121347, 2022
Spray‐dried sol‐gel glass‐ceramic powders based on the tunable thermal expansion of quartz and keatite solid solutions
A Zandona, G Helsch, A Martínez Arias, AP Weber, J Deubener
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (1), 207-216, 2022
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