On a functional contraction method R Neininger, H Sulzbach
The Annals of Probability 43 (4), 1777-1822, 2015
29 2015 On martingale tail sums in affine two-color urn models with multiple drawings M Kuba, H Sulzbach
Journal of Applied Probability 54 (1), 96-117, 2017
23 2017 Dynamical Models for Random Simplicial Complexes N Fountoulakis, T Iyer, C Mailler, H Sulzbach
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.12715, 2019
21 2019 General Edgeworth expansions with applications to profiles of random trees Z Kabluchko, A Marynych, H Sulzbach
The Annals of Applied Probability 27 (6), 3478-3524, 2017
19 2017 A functional limit law for the profile of plane-oriented recursive trees. H Sulzbach
16 2008 Partial match queries in random quadtrees N Broutin, R Neininger, H Sulzbach
Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2012
14 2012 The dual tree of a recursive triangulation of the disk N Broutin, H Sulzbach
The Annals of Probability 43 (2), 738-781, 2015
11 2015 A limit process for partial match queries in random quadtrees and -d trees N Broutin, R Neininger, H Sulzbach
The Annals of Applied Probability 23 (6), 2560-2603, 2013
11 * 2013 On martingale tail sums for the path length in random trees H Sulzbach
Random Structures & Algorithms 50 (3), 493-508, 2017
10 2017 Mode and Edgeworth expansion for the Ewens distribution and the Stirling numbers Z Kabluchko, A Marynych, H Sulzbach
J. Integer Seq 19, 2016
6 2016 Process convergence for the complexity of Radix Selection on Markov sources K Leckey, R Neininger, H Sulzbach
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (2), 507-538, 2019
5 * 2019 A Gaussian limit process for optimal FIND algorithms H Sulzbach, R Neininger, M Drmota
Electronic Journal of Probability 19, 2014
5 2014 On a functional contraction method H Sulzbach
Univ.-Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main, 2012
4 2012 On weighted depths in random binary search trees R Aguech, A Amri, H Sulzbach
Journal of Theoretical Probability 31 (4), 1929-1951, 2018
3 2018 Refined Asymptotics for the Number of Leaves of Random Point Quadtrees M Fuchs, NS Müller, H Sulzbach
29th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic …, 2018
3 2018 Self-similar real trees defined as fixed-points and their geometric properties N Broutin, H Sulzbach
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05331, 2016
2 2016 Heavy subtrees of Galton-Watson trees with an application to Apollonian networks L Devroye, C Holmgren, H Sulzbach
Electron. J. Probab 24 (2), 1-44, 2019
1 2019 The heavy path approach to Galton-Watson trees with an application to Apollonian networks L Devroye, C Holmgren, H Sulzbach
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.02527, 2017
1 2017 General Edgeworth expansions with applications to profiles of random trees: Extended version Z KABLUCHKO, A MARYNYCH, H SULZBACH
1 2016 A limit field for orthogonal range searches in two-dimensional random point search trees N Broutin, H Sulzbach
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (8), 2912-2940, 2019