Duncan J Watts
University of Pennsylvania
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Geciteerd door 136618
Bruce Kogut
Columbia University, Business School and Sociology
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Geciteerd door 93623
Dirk Helbing
Computational Social Science, ETH Zurich
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Geciteerd door 87217
Dan Jurafsky
Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science, Stanford University
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Geciteerd door 85953
Noah A. Smith
University of Washington; Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Geciteerd door 59374
Jiebo Luo, Fellow of NAI/ACM/AAAI/IEEE/AIMBE
Albert Arendt Hopeman Professor of Engineering, University of Rochester
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Geciteerd door 59127
Matjaž Perc
Professor of Physics, University of Maribor, Slovenia
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Geciteerd door 51741
Santo Fortunato
Professor, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
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Geciteerd door 48634