재정 지원 요구사항을 통해 공개된 자료 - Alberto Figoli자세히 알아보기
제공된 곳이 없음: 12
A review on phase-inversion technique-based polymer microsphere fabrication
SL Duraikkannu, R Castro-Muñoz, A Figoli
Colloid and Interface Science Communications 40, 100329, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: European Commission
Multi-hydrophilic functional network enables porous membranes excellent anti-fouling performance for highly efficient water remediation
ZK Sun, Y Zhou, Y Jiao, XQ Cheng, Y Zhang, P Wang, H Liang, X Yang, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 608, 118191, 2020
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Energy, National Natural Science Foundation of China
First Exploration on a Poly (vinyl chloride) Ultrafiltration Membrane Prepared by Using the Sustainable Green Solvent PolarClean
W Xie, A Tiraferri, B Liu, P Tang, F Wang, S Chen, A Figoli, LY Chu
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (1), 91-101, 2020
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Membrane formation by thermally induced phase separation: Materials, involved parameters, modeling, current efforts and future directions
W Ma, Z Zhou, N Ismail, E Tocci, A Figoli, M Khayet, T Matsuura, Z Cui, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 669, 121303, 2023
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Natural Environment …
Arsenic removal using a sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) coated hollow fiber nanofiltration membrane
J Song, M Zhang, A Figoli, Y Yin, B Zhao, XM Li, T He
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 1 (6), 839-845, 2015
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
A polyoxometalate-based self-cleaning smart material with oxygenic activity for water remediation with membrane technology
F Galiano, R Mancuso, M Carraro, J Bundschuh, J Hoinkis, M Bonchio, ...
Applied Materials Today 23, 101002, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Italy
Bromide ion exchange with a Keggin polyoxometalate on functionalized polymeric membranes: a theoretical and experimental study
G De Luca, F Bisignano, A Figoli, F Galiano, E Furia, R Mancuso, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (9), 2396-2404, 2014
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Italy
A novel approach for dissolving crystalline LDPE using non-toxic solvents for membranes preparation
H Ajari, B Chaouachi, F Galiano, T Marino, F Russo, A Figoli
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16, 5375-5386, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Italy
Composite polymeric beads containing N, N, N′, N′-tetraoctyldiglycolamide for actinide ion uptake from nitric acid feeds: batch uptake, kinetic modelling and column studies
RB Gujar, PK Mohapatra, DS Lakshmi, A Figoli
Journal of Chromatography A 1422, 206-212, 2015
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: European Commission
Scenedesmus almeriensis solutions dewatering by using PVDF membrane.
T Marino, A Figoli, E Chianese, J Rimauro, S Mehariya, D Musmarra, ...
CET Journal-Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: European Commission
Facilitated water transport in composite reduced graphene oxide pervaporation membranes for ethanol upgrading
M Plata-Gryl, G Boczkaj, A Policicchio, A Figoli, F Galiano, ...
Separation and Purification Technology 332, 125782, 2024
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Removal of arsenic by nanofiltration: a case study on novel membrane materials
J Song, XM Li, C Ursino, A Figoli, T He
Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment: Removal of Toxic Trace Elements …, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: National Natural Science Foundation of China
제공된 곳이 있음: 42
Towards the dehydration of ethanol using pervaporation cross-linked poly (vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide membranes
R Castro-Muñoz, J Buera-González, Ó de la Iglesia, F Galiano, V Fíla, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 582, 423-434, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Spain
Toward the next generation of sustainable membranes from green chemistry principles
W Xie, T Li, A Tiraferri, E Drioli, A Figoli, JC Crittenden, B Liu
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (1), 50-75, 2020
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Preparation and Characterization of TiO2-PVDF/PMMA Blend Membranes Using an Alternative Non-Toxic Solvent for UF/MF and Photocatalytic Application
O Benhabiles, F Galiano, T Marino, H Mahmoudi, H Lounici, A Figoli
Molecules 24 (4), 724, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Italy
Towards azeotropic MeOH-MTBE separation using pervaporation chitosan-based deep eutectic solvent membranes
R Castro-Muñoz, A Msahel, F Galiano, M Serocki, J Ryl, SB Hamouda, ...
Separation and Purification Technology 281, 119979, 2022
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Graphene oxide–Filled polyimide membranes in pervaporative separation of azeotropic methanol–MTBE mixtures
R Castro-Muñoz, F Galiano, O de la Iglesia, V Fila, C Tellez, J Coronas, ...
Separation and Purification Technology 224, 265-272, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Spain
A review on electrospun membranes for potential air filtration application
F Russo, R Castro-Muñoz, S Santoro, F Galiano, A Figoli
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (5), 108452, 2022
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
The stability of a graphene oxide (GO) nanofiltration (NF) membrane in an aqueous environment: Progress and challenges
Z Wang, F He, J Guo, S Peng, XQ Cheng, Y Zhang, E Drioli, A Figoli, Y Li, ...
Materials Advances 1 (4), 554-568, 2020
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Sustainable fabrication and pervaporation application of bio-based membranes: Combining a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) as biopolymer and Cyrene™ as green solvent
P Tomietto, F Russo, F Galiano, P Loulergue, S Salerno, L Paugam, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 643, 120061, 2022
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Italy
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