raisuddin khan
raisuddin khan
iium.edu.my의 이메일 확인됨
Chitinases: an update
R Hamid, MA Khan, M Ahmad, MM Ahmad, MZ Abdin, J Musarrat, ...
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 5 (1), 21-29, 2013
The effect of salinity and temperature on the germination of polymorphic seeds and growth of Atriplex triangularis Willd.
MA Khan, IA Ungar
American Journal of Botany 71 (4), 481-489, 1984
Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings
M Abbas, MA Khan, S Radenović
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (1), 195-202, 2010
Effects of heavy metals on seed germination and early seedling growth of Arabidopsis thaliana
W Li, MA Khan, S Yamaguchi, Y Kamiya
Plant growth regulation 46, 45-50, 2005
Geological map of Bangladesh
Geological Survey of Bangladesh, MK Alam, AKMS Hasan, MR Khan, ...
Geological Survey of Bangladesh, 1990
The 2006 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for the management of hypertension: Part II–therapy
NA Khan, FA McAlister, SW Rabkin, R Padwal, RD Feldman, ...
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 22 (7), 583-593, 2006
Sustainable development: the key concepts, issues and implications.
M Adil Khan
Mobile service routing in a network environment
MA Khan, KD Shatzkamer, K McBean
US Patent 8,743,885, 2014
SMART-1 mission description and development status
GD Racca, A Marini, L Stagnaro, J Van Dooren, L Di Napoli, BH Foing, ...
Planetary and space science 50 (14-15), 1323-1337, 2002
A comparative study on the antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts from different parts of Morus alba L. (Moraceae)
MA Khan, AA Rahman, S Islam, P Khandokhar, S Parvin, MB Islam, ...
BMC Research Notes 6, 1-9, 2013
Near-infrared (NIR) up-conversion optogenetics
S Hososhima, H Yuasa, T Ishizuka, MR Hoque, T Yamashita, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16533, 2015
Salinity–sodicity induced changes in reproductive physiology of rice (Oryza sativa) under dense soil conditions
MA Khan, Z Abdullah
Environmental and Experimental Botany 49 (2), 145-157, 2003
Physiological and ultra-structural changes in Brassica napus seedlings induced by cadmium stress
B Ali, P Qian, R Jin, S Ali, M Khan, R Aziz, T Tian, W Zhou
Biologia plantarum 58 (1), 131-138, 2014
The adoption of mobile commerce service among employed mobile phone users in Bangladesh: self-efficacy as a moderator
MM Hossain, MA Islam, MA Khan, T Ramayah
Poverty alleviation by Zakah in a transitional economy: a small business entrepreneurial framework
N Hoque, MA Khan, KD Mohammad
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 5, 1-20, 2015
Privatization and employment: A study of the jute industry in Bangladesh
V Bhaskar, M Khan
The American Economic Review 85 (1), 267-273, 1995
Creatinine clearance as a predictor of ultrafilterable platinum disposition in cancer patients treated with cisplatin: relationship between peak ultrafilterable platinum plasma …
PA Reece, I Stafford, J Russell, M Khan, PG Gill
Journal of Clinical Oncology 5 (2), 304-309, 1987
Prospects for nanowire-doped polycrystalline graphene films for ultratransparent, highly conductive electrodes
C Jeong, P Nair, M Khan, M Lundstrom, MA Alam
Nano letters 11 (11), 5020-5025, 2011
Dysphagia in the elderly
A Khan, R Carmona, M Traube
Clin Geriatr Med 30 (1), 43-53, 2014
Preoperative risk factors for conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy: a validated risk score derived from a prospective UK database of 8820 patients
RP Sutcliffe, M Hollyman, J Hodson, G Bonney, RS Vohra, EA Griffiths, ...
Hpb 18 (11), 922-928, 2016
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