Biagio Raffaele Di Iorio
Biagio Raffaele Di Iorio
UOC Nefrologia, AORN San Giuseppe Moscati, Avellino, Italy
확인된 이메일 없음
Inflammation and oxidative stress in chronic kidney disease—potential therapeutic role of minerals, vitamins and plant-derived metabolites
SF Rapa, BR Di Iorio, P Campiglia, A Heidland, S Marzocco
International journal of molecular sciences 21 (1), 263, 2019
Hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration reduce intradialytic hypotension in ESRD
F Locatelli, P Altieri, S Andrulli, P Bolasco, G Sau, LA Pedrini, C Basile, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 21 (10), 1798-1807, 2010
Mortality in kidney disease patients treated with phosphate binders: a randomized study
B Di Iorio, A Bellasi, D Russo, INDEPENDENT Study Investigators
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 7 (3), 487-493, 2012
Sevelamer versus calcium carbonate in incident hemodialysis patients: results of an open-label 24-month randomized clinical trial
B Di Iorio, D Molony, C Bell, E Cucciniello, V Bellizzi, D Russo, A Bellasi, ...
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 62 (4), 771-778, 2013
Very low protein diet supplemented with ketoanalogs improves blood pressure control in chronic kidney disease
V Bellizzi, BR Di Iorio, L De Nicola, R Minutolo, P Zamboli, P Trucillo, ...
Kidney international 71 (3), 245-251, 2007
Global approach to cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease: reality and opportunities for intervention
L De Nicola, R Minutolo, P Chiodini, C Zoccali, P Castellino, C Donadio, ...
Kidney international 69 (3), 538-545, 2006
Treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate delays progression of chronic kidney disease: the UBI Study
BR Di Iorio, A Bellasi, KL Raphael, D Santoro, F Aucella, L Garofano, ...
Journal of nephrology 32, 989-1001, 2019
Neuromuscular electrostimulation techniques: historical aspects and current possibilities in treatment of pain and muscle waisting
A Heidland, G Fazeli, A Klassen, K Sebekova, H Hennemann, U Bahner, ...
Clin Nephrol 79 (Suppl 1), S12-S23, 2013
Early changes in bioelectrical estimates of body composition in chronic kidney disease
V Bellizzi, L Scalfi, V Terracciano, L De Nicola, R Minutolo, M Marra, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17 (5), 1481-1487, 2006
Very low protein diet reduces indoxyl sulfate levels in chronic kidney disease
S Marzocco, F Dal Piaz, L Di Micco, S Torraca, ML Sirico, D Tartaglia, ...
Blood purification 35 (1-3), 196-201, 2013
Pathophysiology of the cardio-renal syndromes types 1–5: An uptodate
L Di Lullo, A Bellasi, V Barbera, D Russo, L Russo, B Di Iorio, ...
Indian heart journal 69 (2), 255-265, 2017
Nutritional treatment of advanced CKD: twenty consensus statements
A Cupisti, G Brunori, BR Di Iorio, C D’Alessandro, F Pasticci, C Cosola, ...
Journal of nephrology 31, 457-473, 2018
A systematic evaluation of bioelectrical impedance measurement after hemodialysis session
BR Di Iorio, L Scalfi, V Terracciano, V Bellizzi
Kidney International 65 (6), 2435-2440, 2004
Postdialytic rebound of serum phosphorus: pathogenetic and clinical insights
R Minutolo, V Bellizzi, M Cioffi, C Iodice, P Giannattasio, M Andreucci, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 13 (4), 1046-1054, 2002
Low-protein diets for chronic kidney disease patients: the Italian experience
V Bellizzi, A Cupisti, F Locatelli, P Bolasco, G Brunori, G Cancarini, ...
BMC nephrology 17, 1-17, 2016
Supplemented very low protein diet ameliorates responsiveness to erythropoietin in chronic renal failure
BR Di Iorio, R Minutolo, L De Nicola, V Bellizzi, F Catapano, C Iodice, ...
Kidney international 64 (5), 1822-1828, 2003
Acute effects of very-low-protein diet on FGF23 levels: a randomized study
B Di Iorio, L Di Micco, S Torraca, ML Sirico, L Russo, A Pota, F Mirenghi, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 7 (4), 581-587, 2012
Normal values of the bioelectrical impedance vector in childhood and puberty
T De Palo, G Messina, A Edefonti, F Perfumo, L Pisanello, L Peruzzi, ...
Nutrition 16 (6), 417-424, 2000
Toward an international consensus—Integrating lipoprotein apheresis and new lipid-lowering drugs
C Stefanutti, U Julius, GF Watts, M Harada-Shiba, M Cossu, VJ Schettler, ...
Journal of clinical lipidology 11 (4), 858-871. e3, 2017
Prognosis of CKD patients receiving outpatient nephrology care in Italy
L De Nicola, P Chiodini, C Zoccali, S Borrelli, B Cianciaruso, B Di Iorio, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6 (10), 2421-2428, 2011
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