Dr Cara Danis
Dr Cara Danis
mq.edu.au의 이메일 확인됨
Deep 3D structure of the Sydney Basin using gravity modelling
C Danis, C O'Neill, M Lackie, L Twigg, A Danis
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 58 (5), 517-542, 2011
3-D numerical groundwater flow simulation for geological discontinuities in the Unkheltseg Basin, Mongolia
Y Yihdego, C Danis, A Paffard
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 4119-4133, 2015
Gunnedah Basin 3D architecture and upper crustal temperatures
C Danis, C O'Neill, MA Lackie
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 57 (4), 483-505, 2010
Use of groundwater temperature data in geothermal exploration: the example of Sydney Basin, Australia
C Danis
Hydrogeology journal 22 (1), 87, 2014
Retrograde metamorphism of the Wongwibinda Complex, New England Fold Belt and the implications of 2.5 D subsurface geophysical structure for the metamorphic history
CR Danis, NR Daczko, MA Lackie, SJ Craven
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 57 (3), 357-375, 2010
Why is the Groundwater Level Rising? A Case Study Using HARTT to Simulate Groundwater Level Dynamic: Yihdego et al.
Y Yihdego, C Danis, A Paffard
Water Environment Research 89 (12), 2142-2152, 2017
Groundwater engineering in an environmentally sensitive urban area: Assessment, landuse change/infrastructure impacts and mitigation measures
Y Yihdego, C Danis, A Paffard
Hydrology 4 (3), 37, 2017
Geothermal state of the Sydney Basin: assessment of constraints and techniques
C Danis, C O'neill, J Lee
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 59 (1), 75-90, 2012
The thermal structure of the Sydney Gunnedah Bowen Basin Eastern Australia
C Danis
Macquarie University, 2012
A static method for collecting temperatures in deep groundwater bores for geothermal exploration and other applications
C Danis, C O’Neill
Proceedings of Groundwater, 2010
Sydney–Gunnedah–Bowen Basin deep 3D structure
C Danis
Exploration Geophysics 43 (1), 26-35, 2012
Building 3D geological knowledge through regional scale gravity modelling for the Bowen Basin
C Danis, C O'Neill, M Lackie
Exploration Geophysics 43 (1), 8-25, 2012
Is it hot enough down there? Assessing geothermal potential in the Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin.
C Danis, C O’Neill, S Quenette
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2012 (1), 1-3, 2012
Finding bedrock in uncontrolled clayey fill—Success with GPR profiling
C Danis, R Lawrence
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016 (1), 1-3, 2016
Background paper on Coal Seam Gas: the geological characteristics and history of NSW with a focus on coal seam gas (CSG) resources
C O'Neill, C Danis
NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, 2013
3D thermal modelling versus down-hole temperature extrapolation in the Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin and the implications for targeting potential geothermal anomalies
C Danis, C O'Neill
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2010 (1), 1-4, 2010
Exploration Geophysics
W Sun, LY Fu, B Zhou, C Danis, C O’Neill, M Lackie, AK Sharma, AV Patil, ...
The 3D Basement and Thermal Structure of the Gunnedah Basin
CR Danis, C O’Neill
Proceedings of the Australian Geothermal Energy Conference 2009, 11-13, 0
The Wongwibinda Complex, New England fold belt: a tilted low-P high-T terrane?
C Danis
Macquarie University, 2022
Uso de dados de temperatura de água subterrânea na exploração geotérmica: o exemplo da Bacia de Sidney, Austrália
C Danis
Hydrogeology Journal 22, 87-106, 2014
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