Language acquisition: The growth of grammar MT Guasti MIT press, 2017 | 1433 | 2017 |
Verb syntax in Italian child grammar: Finite and nonfinite verbs MT Guasti Language acquisition 3 (1), 1-40, 1993 | 566 | 1993 |
The acquisition of disjunction: Evidence for a grammatical view of scalar implicatures G Chierchia, S Crain, MT Guasti, A Gualmini, L Meroni Proceedings of the 25th Boston University conference on language development …, 2001 | 461 | 2001 |
Why children and adults sometimes (but not always) compute implicatures M Teresa Guasti, G Chierchia, S Crain, F Foppolo, A Gualmini, L Meroni Language and cognitive processes 20 (5), 667-696, 2005 | 418 | 2005 |
Causative and perception verbs. A comparative study M Guasti Rosenberg & Sellier, 1993 | 372 | 1993 |
Grammatical feature dissimilarities make relative clauses easier: A comprehension study with Italian children F Adani, HKJ Van der Lely, M Forgiarini, MT Guasti Lingua 120 (9), 2148-2166, 2010 | 275 | 2010 |
Agreement and Tense as Distinct Syntactic Positions: Evidence from Acquisition MT Guasti, G Rizzi Functional structure in DP and IP, 167-194, 2002 | 251 | 2002 |
Prosodic structure and syntactic acquisition: the case of the head‐direction parameter A Christophe, M Nespor, M Teresa Guasti, B Van Ooyen Developmental Science 6 (2), 211-220, 2003 | 233 | 2003 |
At the semantics/pragmatics interface in child language A Gualmini, S Crain, L Meroni, G Chierchia, MT Guasti Semantics and linguistic theory, 231-247, 2001 | 224 | 2001 |
Does emotional intelligence influence academic performance? The role of compassion and engagement in education for sustainable development M Estrada, D Monferrer, A Rodríguez, MÁ Moliner Sustainability 13 (4), 1721, 2021 | 216* | 2021 |
Scalar implicatures in child language: Give children a chance F Foppolo, MT Guasti, G Chierchia Language learning and development 8 (4), 365-394, 2012 | 206 | 2012 |
Relative clause formation in Romance child’s production MT Guasti, A Cardinaletti Probus 15 (1), 47-89, 2003 | 191 | 2003 |
Developmental language disorder: Early predictors, age for the diagnosis, and diagnostic tools. A scoping review A Sansavini, ME Favilla, MT Guasti, A Marini, S Millepiedi, MV Di Martino, ... Brain sciences 11 (5), 654, 2021 | 174 | 2021 |
Selection word order: The rhythmic activation principle M Nespor, MT Guasti, A Christophe, U Kleinhenz | 169 | 1996 |
The acquisition of Italian A Belletti, MT Guasti John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2015 | 162 | 2015 |
L'acquisizione del linguaggio. Un'introduzione M Guasti Cortina, 2006 | 153 | 2006 |
Semantic restrictions in Romance causatives and the incorporation approach MT Guasti Linguistic Inquiry, 294-313, 1996 | 135 | 1996 |
Small clauses A Cardinaletti, MT Guasti Academic Press, 1995 | 127 | 1995 |
Article omission across child languages MT Guasti, A Gavarró, J De Lange, C Caprin Language acquisition 15 (2), 89-119, 2008 | 125 | 2008 |
Some’and ‘or’: A study on the emergence of logical form G Chierchia, S Crain, MT Guasti, R Thornton Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development 22 …, 1998 | 123 | 1998 |