Douglas Krull
Douglas Krull
Professor of Psychological Science, Northern Kentucky University
nku.edu의 이메일 확인됨
On cognitive busyness: When person perceivers meet persons perceived.
DT Gilbert, BW Pelham, DS Krull
Journal of personality and social psychology 54 (5), 733, 1988
Unbelieving the unbelievable: Some problems in the rejection of false information.
DT Gilbert, DS Krull, PS Malone
Journal of personality and social psychology 59 (4), 601, 1990
Agreeable fancy or disagreeable truth? Reconciling self-enhancement and self-verification.
WB Swann Jr, BW Pelham, DS Krull
Journal of personality and social psychology 57 (5), 782, 1989
Allure of negative feedback: self-verification strivings among depressed persons.
WB Swann, RM Wenzlaff, DS Krull, BW Pelham
Journal of abnormal psychology 101 (2), 293, 1992
Of thoughts unspoken: Social inference and the self-regulation of behavior.
DT Gilbert, DS Krull, BW Pelham
Journal of personality and social psychology 55 (5), 685, 1988
Does the grist change the mill? The effect of the perceiver's inferential goal on the process of social inference
DS Krull
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 19 (3), 340-348, 1993
Explanations: Processes and consequences.
CA Anderson, DS Krull, B Weiner
The Guilford Press, 1996
The fundamental fundamental attribution error: Correspondence bias in individualist and collectivist cultures
DS Krull, MHM Loy, J Lin, CF Wang, S Chen, X Zhao
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25 (10), 1208-1219, 1999
Seeing less and knowing more: The benefits of perceptual ignorance.
DT Gilbert, DS Krull
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54 (2), 193, 1988
On thinking first and responding fast: Flexibility in social inference processes
DS Krull, JC Dill
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 22 (9), 949-959, 1996
Judging situations: On the effortful process of taking dispositional information into account
DS Krull, DJ Erickson
Social cognition 13 (4), 417-438, 1995
The process of explanation
DS Krull, CA Anderson
Current Directions in Psychological Science 6 (1), 1-5, 1997
Do smiles elicit more inferences than do frowns? The effect of emotional valence on the production of spontaneous inferences
DS Krull, JC Dil
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24 (3), 289-300, 1998
Smile when you say that: Effects of willingness on dispositional inferences
DS Krull, CR Seger, DH Silvera
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (3), 735-742, 2008
On partitioning the fundamental attribution error: Dispositionalism and the correspondence bias
DS Krull
Cognitive social psychology, 211-227, 2013
Distinguishing judgments about what from judgments about why: Effects of behavior extremity on correspondent inferences and causal attributions
DJ Erickson, DS Krull
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 21 (1), 1-11, 1999
Inferential hopscotch: How people draw social inferences from behavior
DS Krull, DJ Erickson
Current Directions in Psychological Science 4 (2), 35-38, 1995
Typhoid Pollyanna: The effect of category valence on retrieval order of positive and negative category members
DH Silvera, DS Krull, MA Sassler
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 14 (2), 227-236, 2002
Skeptical saints and critical cognition: on the relationship between religion and paranormal beliefs
DS Krull, ES McKibben
Archive for the Psychology of Religion 28 (1), 269-286, 2006
Introduction to psychology
DS Krull
Kona Publishing and Media Group, 2014
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