John Elias
John Elias
Cleveland Clinic Akron General
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Q‐angle influences tibiofemoral and patellofemoral kinematics
Y Mizuno, M Kumagai, SM Mattessich, JJ Elias, N Ramrattan, ...
Journal of orthopaedic research 19 (5), 834-840, 2001
Technical errors during medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction could overload medial patellofemoral cartilage: a computational analysis
JJ Elias, AJ Cosgarea
The American journal of sports medicine 34 (9), 1478-1485, 2006
Craniofacial distraction osteogenesis: a review of 3278 cases
MM Mofid, PN Manson, BC Robertson, AP Tufaro, JJ Elias, ...
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 108 (5), 1103-1114, 2001
The soleus muscle acts as an agonist for the anterior cruciate ligament: an in vitro experimental study
JJ Elias, AF Faust, YH Chu, EY Chao, AJ Cosgarea
The American journal of sports medicine 31 (2), 241-246, 2003
Locking plates improve torsional resistance in the stabilization of three-part proximal humeral fractures
DM Weinstein, DR Bratton, WJ Ciccone II, JJ Elias
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 15 (2), 239-243, 2006
Evaluation of a computational model used to predict the patellofemoral contact pressure distribution
JJ Elias, DR Wilson, R Adamson, AJ Cosgarea
Journal of biomechanics 37 (3), 295-302, 2004
Scapular and clavicular kinematics during humeral elevation: a study with cadavers
M Fung, S Kato, PJ Barrance, JJ Elias, EG McFarland, K Nobuhara, ...
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 10 (3), 278-285, 2001
Enhancement of fracture healing by mechanical and surgical intervention.
EYS Chao, N Inoue, JJ Elias, H Aro
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1976-2007) 355, S163-S178, 1998
Quantitation of breast sensibility following reduction mammaplasty: a comparison of inferior and medial pedicle techniques
MM Mofid, AL Dellon, JJ Elias, MY Nahabedian
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 109 (7), 2283-2288, 2002
Strut-autografting with and without osteogenic protein-1: a preliminary study of a canine femoral head defect model
MA Mont, LC Jones, JJ Elias, N Inoue, TR Yoon, EYS Chao, ...
JBJS 83 (7), 1013-1022, 2001
Improving vastus medialis obliquus function reduces pressure applied to lateral patellofemoral cartilage
JJ Elias, S Kilambi, DR Goerke, AJ Cosgarea
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 27 (5), 578-583, 2009
Anatomical factors influencing patellar tracking in the unstable patellofemoral joint
R Biyani, JJ Elias, A Saranathan, H Feng, LM Guseila, MA Morscher, ...
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 22, 2334-2341, 2014
A Dynamic Modal Testing Technique for Noninvasive Assessment of Bone--Dental Implant Interfaces.
JJ Elias, JB Brunski, HA Scarton
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 11 (6), 1996
Correlation between changes in tibial tuberosity–trochlear groove distance and patellar position during active knee extension on dynamic kinematic computed tomographic imaging
MJ Tanaka, JJ Elias, AA Williams, JA Carrino, AJ Cosgarea
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 31 (9), 1748-1755, 2015
Comparing two estimations of the quadriceps force distribution for use during patellofemoral simulation
JJ Elias, DR Bratton, DM Weinstein, AJ Cosgarea
Journal of biomechanics 39 (5), 865-872, 2006
Characterization of patellar maltracking using dynamic kinematic CT imaging in patients with patellar instability
MJ Tanaka, JJ Elias, AA Williams, S Demehri, AJ Cosgarea
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 24, 3634-3641, 2016
Tibial tuberosity osteotomy for patellofemoral realignment alters tibiofemoral kinematics
S Mani, MS Kirkpatrick, A Saranathan, LG Smith, AJ Cosgarea, JJ Elias
The American journal of sports medicine 39 (5), 1024-1031, 2011
Outcome of periacetabular osteotomy: joint contact pressure calculation using standing AP radiographs, 12 patients followed for average 2 years
M Armand, J Lepistö, K Tallroth, J Elias, E Chao
Acta orthopaedica 76 (3), 303-313, 2005
Reducing the lateral force acting on the patella does not consistently decrease patellofemoral pressures
JJ Elias, JA Cech, DM Weinstein, AJ Cosgrea
The American journal of sports medicine 32 (5), 1202-1208, 2004
Assessment of pain relief provided by interscalene regional block and infusion pump after arthroscopic shoulder surgery
WJ Ciccone II, TD Busey, DM Weinstein, DL Walden, JJ Elias
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 24 (1), 14-19, 2008
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