Takashi Kunito
Takashi Kunito
Department of Environmental Science, Shinshu University
shinshu-u.ac.jp의 이메일 확인됨
Detoxification mechanism of heavy metals in marine mammals and seabirds: interaction of selenium with mercury, silver, copper, zinc, and cadmium in liver
T Ikemoto, T Kunito, H Tanaka, N Baba, N Miyazaki, S Tanabe
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47 (3), 402-413, 2004
Exposure assessment for trace elements from consumption of marine fish in Southeast Asia
T Agusa, T Kunito, A Sudaryanto, I Monirith, S Kan-Atireklap, H Iwata, ...
Environmental Pollution 145 (3), 766-777, 2007
Contamination by arsenic and other trace elements in tube-well water and its risk assessment to humans in Hanoi, Vietnam
T Agusa, T Kunito, J Fujihara, R Kubota, TB Minh, PTK Trang, H Iwata, ...
Environmental Pollution 139 (1), 95-106, 2006
Concentrations of trace elements in marine fish and its risk assessment in Malaysia
T Agusa, T Kunito, G Yasunaga, H Iwata, A Subramanian, A Ismail, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 51 (8-12), 896-911, 2005
Trace element accumulation in hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from Yaeyama Islands, Japan
Y Anan, T Kunito, I Watanabe, H Sakai, S Tanabe
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20 (12), 2802-2814, 2001
Copper and zinc fractions affecting microorganisms in long-term sludge-amended soils
T Kunito, K Saeki, S Goto, H Hayashi, H Oyaizu, S Matsumoto
Bioresource Technology 79 (2), 135-146, 2001
Body distribution of trace elements in black‐tailed gulls from Rishiri Island, Japan: age‐dependent accumulation and transfer to feathers and eggs
T Agusa, T Matsumoto, T Ikemoto, Y Anan, R Kubota, G Yasunaga, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24 (9), 2107-2120, 2005
Mercury contamination in human hair and fish from Cambodia: levels, specific accumulation and risk assessment
T Agusa, T Kunito, H Iwata, I Monirith, TS Tana, A Subramanian, ...
Environmental Pollution 134 (1), 79-86, 2005
Comparison of trace element accumulation in Baikal seals (Pusa sibirica), Caspian seals (Pusa caspica) and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus)
T Ikemoto, T Kunito, I Watanabe, G Yasunaga, N Baba, N Miyazaki, ...
Environmental Pollution 127 (1), 83-97, 2004
Trace element accumulation in fishes collected from coastal waters of the Caspian Sea
Y Anan, T Kunito, S Tanabe, I Mitrofanov, DG Aubrey
Marine pollution bulletin 51 (8-12), 882-888, 2005
Chemical forms of mercury and cadmium accumulated in marine mammals and seabirds as determined by XAFS analysis
T Arai, T Ikemoto, A Hokura, Y Terada, T Kunito, S Tanabe, I Nakai
Environmental science & technology 38 (24), 6468-6474, 2004
Concentrations of trace elements in muscle of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea
T Agusa, T Kunito, S Tanabe, M Pourkazemi, DG Aubrey
Marine pollution bulletin 49 (9-10), 789-800, 2004
Arsenic accumulation in the liver tissue of marine mammals
R Kubota, T Kunito, S Tanabe
Environmental Pollution 115 (2), 303-312, 2001
Aluminum and acidity suppress microbial activity and biomass in acidic forest soils
T Kunito, I Isomura, H Sumi, HD Park, H Toda, S Otsuka, K Nagaoka, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 97, 23-30, 2016
Multivariate characterization of elements accumulated in King Bolete Boletus edulis mushroom at lowland and high mountain regions
J Falandysz, T Kunito, R Kubota, L Bielawski, A Frankowska, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 43 (14), 1692-1699, 2008
Characterization of copper-resistant bacterial community in rhizosphere of highly copper-contaminated soil
T Kunito, K Saeki, K Nagaoka, H Oyaizu, S Matsumoto
European Journal of Soil Biology 37 (2), 95-102, 2001
Arsenic in marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles
T Kunito, R Kubota, J Fujihara, T Agusa, S Tanabe
Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 31-69, 2008
Some mineral constituents of Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera)
J Falandysz, T Kunito, R Kubota, M Gucia, A Mazur, JJ Falandysz, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 43 (2), 187-192, 2008
Concentration and subcellular distribution of trace elements in liver of small cetaceans incidentally caught along the Brazilian coast
T Kunito, S Nakamura, T Ikemoto, Y Anan, R Kubota, S Tanabe, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (7-8), 574-587, 2004
High population of Sphingomonas species on plant surface
H Kim, M Nishiyama, T Kunito, K Senoo, K Kawahara, K Murakami, ...
Journal of applied microbiology 85 (4), 731-736, 1998
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