The model checker SPIN GJ Holzmann IEEE Transactions on software engineering 23 (5), 279-295, 1997 | 10885* | 1997 |
Design and Validation of GJ Holzmann Computer Protocols, 322-331, 1991 | 3329 | 1991 |
An improvement in formal verification GJ Holzmann, D Peled Formal Description Techniques VII: Proceedings of the 7th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 1995 | 512 | 1995 |
An analyzer for message sequence charts R Alur, GJ Holzmann, D Peled Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: Second …, 1996 | 386 | 1996 |
An analysis of bitstate hashing GJ Holzmann Formal methods in system design 13, 289-307, 1998 | 378 | 1998 |
On nested depth first search GJ Holzmann, D Peled, M Yannakakis The Spin Verification System 32, 23-32, 1997 | 348 | 1997 |
Software model checking: Extracting verification models from source code GJ Holzmann, M H. Smith Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 11 (2), 65-79, 2001 | 273 | 2001 |
Optimizing büchi automata K Etessami, GJ Holzmann International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 153-168, 2000 | 270 | 2000 |
Implementing statecharts in PROMELA/SPIN E Mikk, Y Lakhnech, M Siegel, GJ Holzmann Proceedings. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Industrial Strength Formal Specification …, 1998 | 266 | 1998 |
An improved protocol reachability analysis technique GJ Holzmann Software: Practice and Experience 18 (2), 137-161, 1988 | 216 | 1988 |
The early history of data networks GJ Holzmann, B Pehrson IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995 | 215 | 1995 |
State-space caching revisited P Godefroid, GJ Holzmann, D Pirottin Formal Methods in System Design 7, 227-241, 1995 | 211 | 1995 |
State compression in SPIN: Recursive indexing and compression training runs GJ Holzmann Proceedings of third international Spin workshop, 1997 | 199 | 1997 |
The power of 10: Rules for developing safety-critical code GJ Holzmann Computer 39 (6), 95-99, 2006 | 198 | 2006 |
The design of a multicore extension of the SPIN model checker GJ Holzmann, D Bosnacki IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (10), 659-674, 2007 | 190 | 2007 |
Logic verification of ANSI-C code with SPIN GJ Holzmann International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 131-147, 2000 | 188 | 2000 |
Randomized differential testing as a prelude to formal verification A Groce, G Holzmann, R Joshi 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07), 621-631, 2007 | 170 | 2007 |
Model-driven software verification GJ Holzmann, R Joshi Model Checking Software: 11th International SPIN Workshop, Barcelona, Spain …, 2004 | 169 | 2004 |
Automating software feature verification GJ Holzmann, MH Smith Bell Labs Technical Journal 5 (2), 72-87, 2000 | 169 | 2000 |
A practical method for verifying event-driven software GJ Holzmann, MH Smith Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Software engineering …, 1999 | 162 | 1999 |