John E. Pérez
Factor structure of the Beck Depression Inventory—Second Edition (BDI‐ii) in a student sample
MA Whisman, JE Perez, W Ramel
Journal of clinical psychology 56 (4), 545-551, 2000
Religiousness and depressive symptoms among adolescents
MJ Pearce, TD Little, JE Perez
Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology 32 (2), 267-276, 2003
Toward evidence-based Internet interventions: A Spanish/English Web site for international smoking cessation trials
RF Muñoz, LL Lenert, K Delucchi, J Stoddard, JE Perez, C Penilla, ...
Nicotine & tobacco research 8 (1), 77-87, 2006
Automated e-mail messaging as a tool for improving quit rates in an internet smoking cessation intervention
L Lenert, RF Muñoz, JE Perez, A Bansod
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 11 (4), 235-240, 2004
A pilot test of a church-based intervention to promote multiple cancer-screening behaviors among Latinas
JD Allen, JE Pérez, L Tom, B Leyva, D Diaz, MI Torres
Journal of Cancer Education 29, 136-143, 2014
CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential
F Boero, F Foglini, S Fraschetti, P Goriup, E Macpherson, S Planes, ...
Deakin University, 2016
Types of prayer and depressive symptoms among cancer patients: The mediating role of rumination and social support
JE Pérez, A Rex Smith, RL Norris, KM Canenguez, EF Tracey, ...
Journal of behavioral medicine 34, 519-530, 2011
Turbulent kinetic energy in the energy balance of a solar flare
EP Kontar, JE Perez, LK Harra, AA Kuznetsov, AG Emslie, NLS Jeffrey, ...
Physical Review Letters 118 (15), 155101, 2017
A prospective study of religiousness and psychological distress among female survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
CS Chan, JE Rhodes, JE Pérez
American Journal of Community Psychology 49, 168-181, 2012
Spirituality and depressive symptoms in a school-based sample of adolescents: A longitudinal examination of mediated and moderated effects
JE Pérez, TD Little, CC Henrich
Journal of adolescent health 44 (4), 380-386, 2009
Nonverbal social skills and psychopathology
JE Perez, RE Riggio
Nonverbal behavior in clinical settings, 17-44, 2003
Dimensions of religiousness and cancer screening behaviors among church-going Latinas
JD Allen, JE Pérez, CR Pischke, LS Tom, A Juarez, H Ospino, ...
Journal of Religion and Health 53, 190-203, 2014
Spiritual striving, acceptance coping, and depressive symptoms among adults living with HIV/AIDS
JE Pérez, M Chartier, C Koopman, M Vosvick, C Gore-Felton, D Spiegel
Journal of Health Psychology 14 (1), 88-97, 2009
Intrinsic religiousness and well-being among cancer patients: The mediating role of control-related religious coping and self-efficacy for coping with cancer
JE Pérez, A Rex Smith
Journal of Behavioral Medicine 38, 183-193, 2015
Social skill imbalances in mood disorders and schizophrenia
JE Perez, RE Riggio, A Kopelowicz
Personality and individual differences 42 (1), 27-36, 2007
A new finite volume approach for transport models and related applications with balancing source terms
E Abreu, W Lambert, J Perez, A Santo
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 137, 2-28, 2017
A fast, robust, and simple Lagrangian–Eulerian solver for balance laws and applications
E Abreu, J Pérez
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 77 (9), 2310-2336, 2019
How women with advanced cancer pray: a report from two focus groups.
AR Smith, S DeSanto-Madeya, JE Pérez, EF Tracey, S DeCristofaro, ...
Oncology Nursing Forum 39 (3), 2012
Clients deserve empirically supported treatments, not romanticism.
JE Perez
American Psychological Association 54 (3), 205, 1999
Integration of cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal therapies for Latinos: An argument for technical eclecticism
JE Perez
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 29 (3), 169-183, 1999
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