Dr. Saad Elgazar
Dr. Saad Elgazar
sbs-net.de의 이메일 확인됨
Hidden order in URu2Si2 originates from Fermi surface gapping induced by dynamic symmetry breaking
S Elgazzar, J Rusz, M Amft, PM Oppeneer, JA Mydosh
Nature Materials 8 (4), 337-341, 2009
Electronic structure theory of the hidden-order material
PM Oppeneer, J Rusz, S Elgazzar, MT Suzuki, T Durakiewicz, JA Mydosh
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (20), 205103, 2010
Calculated de Haas–van Alphen quantities of (, Rh, and Ir) compounds
S Elgazzar, I Opahle, R Hayn, PM Oppeneer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69 (21), 214510, 2004
Spin and orbital hybridization at specifically nested Fermi surfaces in URuSi
PM Oppeneer, S Elgazzar, J Rusz, Q Feng, T Durakiewicz, JA Mydosh
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (24), 241102, 2011
Electronic structure of from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
A Koitzsch, I Opahle, S Elgazzar, SV Borisenko, J Geck, VB Zabolotnyy, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (7), 075104, 2009
Electronic structure of the -based superconductor and of related actinide-115 compounds
I Opahle, S Elgazzar, K Koepernik, PM Oppeneer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (10), 104504, 2004
The electronic structure of UCoGe by ab initio calculations and XPS experiment
M Samsel-Czekała, S Elgazzar, PM Oppeneer, E Talik, W Walerczyk, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (1), 015503, 2009
Magnetic-field-induced band-structure change in CeBiPt
N Kozlova, J Hagel, M Doerr, J Wosnitza, D Eckert, KH Müller, L Schultz, ...
Physical review letters 95 (8), 086403, 2005
Magnetic-field-and temperature-dependent Fermi surface of CeBiPt
J Wosnitza, G Goll, AD Bianchi, B Bergk, N Kozlova, I Opahle, S Elgazzar, ...
New Journal of Physics 8 (9), 174, 2006
Observation of a kink in the dispersion of f-electrons
T Durakiewicz, PS Riseborough, CG Olson, JJ Joyce, PM Oppeneer, ...
Europhysics letters 84 (3), 37003, 2008
Calculated de Haas-van Alphen data and plasma frequencies of MgB2 and TaB2
S Elgazzar, PM Oppeneer, SL Drechsler, R Hayn, H Rosner
Solid state communications 121 (2-3), 99-102, 2002
Fermi surface changes due to localized–delocalized f-state transitions in Ce-115 and Pu-115 compounds
PM Oppeneer, S Elgazzar, AB Shick, I Opahle, J Rusz, R Hayn
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 310 (2), 1684-1690, 2007
Unusual quasiparticle renormalizations from angle resolved photoemission on USb2
X Yang, PS Riseborough, T Durakiewicz, CG Olson, JJ Joyce, ED Bauer, ...
Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24), 1893-1911, 2009
Electronic structure and Fermi surface of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic UPtSi
S Elgazzar, J Rusz, PM Oppeneer, JA Mydosh
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (7), 075104, 2012
Ab initio computational and experimental investigation of the electronic structure of actinide 218 materials
S Elgazzar, J Rusz, PM Oppeneer, E Colineau, JC Griveau, N Magnani, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (23), 235117, 2010
Quasi-two-dimensional Fermi surfaces of the heavy-fermion superconductor
K Götze, J Klotz, D Gnida, H Harima, D Aoki, A Demuer, S Elgazzar, ...
Physical Review B 92 (11), 115141, 2015
Full relativistic electronic structure and fermi surface sheets of the first honeycomb-lattice Pnictide superconductor SrPtAs
S Elgazzar, AM Strydom, SL Drechsler
Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 25, 1795-1798, 2012
Electronic structure and Fermi surface of (, Rh, and Ir) compounds
S Elgazzar, I Opahle, M Richter, PM Oppeneer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (12), 125105, 2008
Calculated de Haas-van Alphen frequencies of NpCoGa5
I Opahle, S Elgazzar, VDP Servedio, M Richter, PM Oppeneer
Europhysics Letters 74 (1), 124, 2006
Manuel. Richter, O. Stockert, H. v. Löhneysen, T. Yoshino, and T. Takabatake
J Wosnitza, G Goll, AD Bianchi, B Bergk, N Kozlova, I Opahle, S Elgazzar
New J. Phys 8, 174, 2006
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