Akhilesh Bajaj
Akhilesh Bajaj
utulsa.edu의 이메일 확인됨
A feedback model to understand information system usage
A Bajaj, SR Nidumolu
Information & management 33 (4), 213-224, 1998
Managing NPD: Cost and schedule performance in design and manufacturing
A Bajaj, S Kekre, K Srinivasan
Management Science 50 (4), 527-536, 2004
A study of senior information systems managers' decision models in adopting new computing architectures
A Bajaj
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1 (1), 4, 2000
SEAM: A state-entity-activity-model for a well-defined workflow development methodology
A Bajaj, S Ram
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 14 (2), 415-431, 2002
Multiclass transaction scheduling and overload management in firm real-time database systems
A Datta, S Mukherjee, P Konana, IR Viguier, A Bajaj
Information Systems 21 (1), 29-54, 1996
Information Technology and Systems-I Systems Analysis and Design: Should We Be Researching What We Teach?
A Bajaj, D Batra, J Parsons, K Siau
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 15 (1), 27, 2005
IAIS: A methodology to enable inter-agency information sharing in eGovernment
A Bajaj, S Ram
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 14 (4), 59-80, 2003
Estimation of deficiency risk and prioritization of information security controls: A data-centric approach
F Rahimian, A Bajaj, W Bradley
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 20, 38-64, 2016
The CPT framework: understanding the roles of culture, policy and technology in promoting ecommerce readiness
A Bajaj, LNK Leonard
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 242-252, 2004
The effect of the number of concepts on the readability of schemas: an empirical study with data models
A Bajaj
Requirements Engineering 9, 261-270, 2004
SAAS: Integrating systems analysis with accounting and strategy for ex ante evaluation of IS investments
A Bajaj, WE Bradley, KS Cravens
Journal of Information Systems 22 (1), 97-124, 2008
AWSM: Allocation of workflows utilizing social network metrics
A Bajaj, R Russell
Decision Support Systems 50 (1), 191-202, 2010
COGEVAL: Applying cognitive theories to evaluate conceptual models
S Rockwell, A Bajaj
Advanced Topics in Database Research, Volume 4, 255-282, 2005
A comprehensive framework towards information sharing between government agencies
A Bajaj, S Ram
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 3 (2), 29-44, 2007
An estimation of the decision models of senior IS managers when evaluating the external quality of organizational software
BB Anderson, A Bajaj, W Gorr
Journal of systems and software 61 (1), 59-75, 2002
CMU-WEB: a conceptual model for designing usable web applications
A Bajaj, R Krishnan
Human Computer Interaction Development & Management, 219-242, 2002
Conjoint analysis: a potential methodology for IS research
A Bajaj
Report 98-I. Technology Factors Influencing Senior Information Systems Managers’ Decisions to Adopt New Computing Architectures. Pittsburgh: The Heinz School
A Bajaj
Carnegie Mellon University, 1998
A content specification for business process models
A Bajaj, S Ram
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 4 (1), 1996
Factors relevant to senior information systems managers’ decisions to adopt new computing paradigms: An exploratory study
A Bajaj
Unpublished manuscript]. Retrieved from http://www-afs. secure-endpoints …, 1998
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