Lori Clarke
A system to generate test data and symbolically execute programs
LA Clarke
IEEE Transactions on software engineering, 215-222, 1976
A formal model of program dependences and its implications for software testing, debugging, and maintenance
A Podgurski, LA Clarke
IEEE Transactions on software Engineering 16 (9), 965-979, 1990
A formal evaluation of data flow path selection criteria
LA Clarke, A Podgurski, DJ Richardson, SJ Zeil
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 15 (11), 1318-1332, 1989
Foundations for the Arcadia environment architecture
RN Taylor, FC Belz, LA Clarke, L Osterweil, RW Selby, JC Wileden, ...
Proceedings of the third ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN software engineering symposium …, 1988
Data flow analysis for verifying properties of concurrent programs
MB Dwyer, LA Clarke
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 19 (5), 62-75, 1994
Propel: an approach supporting property elucidation
RL Smith, GS Avrunin, LA Clarke, LJ Osterweil
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, 11-21, 2002
A historical perspective on runtime assertion checking in software development
LA Clarke, DS Rosenblum
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31 (3), 25-37, 2006
A framework for event-based software integration
DJ Barrett, LA Clarke, PL Tarr, AE Wise
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 5 (4), 378-421, 1996
A program testing system
LA Clarke
Proceedings of the 1976 annual conference, 488-491, 1976
Partition analysis: A method combining testing and verification
DJ Richardson, LA Clarke
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1477-1490, 1985
An efficient algorithm for computing MHP information for concurrent Java programs
G Naumovich, GS Avrunin, LA Clarke
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 24 (6), 338-354, 1999
A close look at domain testing
LA Clarke, J Hassell, DJ Richardson
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 380-390, 1982
Task interaction graphs for concurrency analysis
DL Long, LA Clarke
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Software engineering, 44-52, 1989
Flow analysis for verifying properties of concurrent software systems
MB Dwyer, LA Clarke, JM Cobleigh, G Naumovich
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 13 (4), 359-430, 2004
Applications of symbolic evaluation
LA Clarke, DJ Richardson
Journal of systems and software 5 (1), 15-35, 1985
Combining symbolic execution with model checking to verify parallel numerical programs
SF Siegel, A Mironova, GS Avrunin, LA Clarke
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 17 (2), 1-34, 2008
Applying static analysis to software architectures
G Naumovich, GS Avrunin, LA Clarke, LJ Osterweil
Proceedings of the 6th European SOFTWARE ENGINEERING conference held jointly …, 1997
Breaking up is hard to do: An evaluation of automated assume-guarantee reasoning
JM Cobleigh, GS Avrunin, LA Clarke
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 17 (2), 1-52, 2008
User guidance for creating precise and accessible property specifications
RL Cobleigh, GS Avrunin, LA Clarke
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations …, 2006
Data flow analysis for checking properties of concurrent Java programs
G Naumovich, GS Avrunin, LA Clarke
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Software engineering …, 1999
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