Andrey Komarov
Andrey Komarov
Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
iae.nsk.su의 이메일 확인됨
Multistability and hysteresis phenomena in passively mode-locked fiber lasers
A Komarov, H Leblond, F Sanchez
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (5), 053809, 2005
Quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau model for ring fiber lasers
A Komarov, H Leblond, F Sanchez
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2 …, 2005
Passively mode-locked erbium-doped double-clad fiber laser operating at the 322nd harmonic
F Amrani, A Haboucha, M Salhi, H Leblond, A Komarov, P Grelu, ...
Optics letters 34 (14), 2120-2122, 2009
Dissipative solitons compounds in a fiber laser. Analogy with the states of the matter
F Amrani, A Haboucha, M Salhi, H Leblond, A Komarov, F Sanchez
Applied Physics B 99, 107-114, 2010
Analysis of soliton pattern formation in passively mode-locked fiber lasers
A Haboucha, H Leblond, M Salhi, A Komarov, F Sanchez
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (4), 043806, 2008
Passive harmonic mode-locking in a fiber laser with nonlinear polarization rotation
A Komarov, H Leblond, F Sanchez
Optics communications 267 (1), 162-169, 2006
Quantization of binding energy of structural solitons in passive mode-locked fiber lasers
A Komarov, K Komarov, F Sanchez
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (3), 033807, 2009
Mechanism of multiple pulse formation in the normal dispersion regime of passively mode-locked fiber ring lasers
A Haboucha, A Komarov, H Leblond, F Sanchez, G Martel
Optical Fiber Technology 14 (4), 262-267, 2008
Competition and coexistence of ultrashort pulses in passive mode-locked lasers under dissipative-soliton-resonance conditions
A Komarov, F Amrani, A Dmitriev, K Komarov, F Sanchez
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 023838, 2013
Theoretical analysis of the operating regime of a passively-mode-locked fiber laser through nonlinear polarization rotation
A Komarov, H Leblond, F Sanchez
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (6), 063811, 2005
Coherent soliton pattern formation in a fiber laser
A Haboucha, H Leblond, M Salhi, A Komarov, F Sanchez
Optics letters 33 (5), 524-526, 2008
Ultrahigh-repetition-rate bound-soliton harmonic passive mode-locked fiber lasers
A Komarov, A Haboucha, F Sanchez
Optics Letters 33 (19), 2254-2256, 2008
Nonlinear Fourier transform enabled eigenvalue spectrum investigation for fiber laser radiation
Y Wang, S Fu, J Kong, A Komarov, M Klimczak, R Buczyński, X Tang, ...
Photonics Research 9 (8), 1531-1539, 2021
Nature of soliton interaction in fiber lasers with continuous external optical injection
A Komarov, K Komarov, A Niang, F Sanchez
Physical Review A 89 (1), 013833, 2014
Multistability and hysteresis phenomena in passive mode-locked lasers
AK Komarov, KP Komarov
Physical Review E 62 (6), R7607, 2000
Passive harmonic mode locking of soliton crystals
F Amrani, A Niang, M Salhi, A Komarov, H Leblond, F Sanchez
Optics letters 36 (21), 4239-4241, 2011
Generation of noise-like pulses with 203 nm 3-dB bandwidth
X Wang, A Komarov, M Klimczak, L Su, D Tang, D Shen, L Li, L Zhao
Optics express 27 (17), 24147-24153, 2019
Manipulating dissipative soliton ensembles in passively mode-locked fiber lasers
F Sanchez, P Grelu, H Leblond, A Komarov, K Komarov, M Salhi, A Niang, ...
Optical Fiber Technology 20 (6), 562-574, 2014
Structural dissipative solitons in passive mode-locked fiber lasers
A Komarov, F Sanchez
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (6 …, 2008
‘Cis’ bound states of three localized pulses of the cubic–quintic CGL equation
H Leblond, A Komarov, M Salhi, A Haboucha, F Sanchez
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 8 (3), 319, 2006
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