Daniele Venzano
Daniele Venzano
eurecom.fr의 이메일 확인됨
A {NICE} way to test {OpenFlow} applications
M Canini, D Venzano, P Perešíni, D Kostić, J Rexford
9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 12 …, 2012
A soft way for openflow switch interoperability testing
M Kuzniar, P Peresini, M Canini, D Venzano, D Kostic
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Emerging networking …, 2012
Automating the testing of OpenFlow applications
M Canini, D Kostic, J Rexford, D Venzano
The 1st International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering (WRiPE), 2011
Too big to eat: Boosting analytics data ingestion from object stores with scoop
Y Moatti, E Rom, R Gracia-Tinedo, D Naor, D Chen, J Sampe, ...
2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 309-320, 2017
Toward online testing of federated and heterogeneous distributed systems
M Canini, V Jovanović, D Venzano, B Spasojević, O Crameri, D Kostić
2011 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 11), 2011
A Measurement Study of Data-Intensive Network Traffic Patterns in a Private Cloud
D Venzano, P Michiardi
6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC …, 2013
Flexible scheduling of distributed analytic applications
F Pace, D Venzano, D Carra, P Michiardi
2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2017
Experimental performance evaluation of cloud-based analytics-as-a-service
F Pace, M Milanesio, D Venzano, D Carra, P Michiardi
2016 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 196-203, 2016
Online testing of federated and heterogeneous distributed systems
M Canini, V Jovanović, D Venzano, D Novaković, D Kostić
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 conference, 434-435, 2011
On the impact of virtualization on the I/O performance of analytic workloads
SH Ha, D Venzano, P Brown, P Michiardi
2016 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and …, 2016
Checking for Insidious Faults in Deployed Federated and Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
M Canini, V Jovanovic, D Venzano, G Kumar, D Novakovic, D Kostic
A data-driven approach to dynamically adjust resource allocation for compute clusters
F Pace, D Milios, D Carra, D Venzano, P Michiardi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.00368, 2018
A Flexible Heuristic to Schedule Distributed Analytic Applications in Compute Clusters
F Pace, D Venzano, D Carra, P Michiardi
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 11 (3), 2217-2230, 2019
Network performance measurements of data-intensive applications in a private cloud
D Venzano, P Michiardi
Eurecom, Tech. Rep. RR-13-287, 2013
System for the creation and configuration of a network of devices
D Venzano, A Ubertelli
US Patent App. 12/994,139, 2011
D Venzano
Data-Driven Resource Shaping for Compute Clusters
F Pace, D Milios, D Carra, D Venzano, P Michiardi
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 527-527, 2018
Systematically testing OpenFlow controller applications
P Perešíni, M Kuźniar, M Canini, D Venzano, D Kostić, J Rexford
Computer Networks 92, 270-286, 2015
Cluster-wide Scheduling of Flexible, Distributed Analytic Applications
F Pace, D Venzano, D Carra, P Michiardi
arXiv preprint arXiv: XXXX. XXXXX, 2016
Peer-to-peer network technology applied to the harbour environment
G Dodero, V Gianuzzi, D Venzano, F Giacalone, F Parodi
Factory Communication Systems, 2006 IEEE International Workshop on, 410-414, 2006
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