Eyal Peer
Eyal Peer
다른 이름Eyal Pe'er
Associate Professor at Hebrew University School of Public Policy
mail.huji.ac.il의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Beyond the Turk: Alternative platforms for crowdsourcing behavioral research
E Peer, L Brandimarte, S Samat, A Acquisti
Journal of experimental social psychology 70, 153-163, 2017
Reputation as a sufficient condition for data quality on Amazon Mechanical Turk
E Peer, J Vosgerau, A Acquisti
Behavior research methods 46, 1023-1031, 2014
Data quality of platforms and panels for online behavioral research
P Eyal, R David, G Andrew, E Zak, D Ekaterina
Behavior research methods, 1-20, 2021
Scaling the security wall: Developing a security behavior intentions scale (sebis)
S Egelman, E Peer
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Using nonnaive participants can reduce effect sizes
J Chandler, G Paolacci, E Peer, P Mueller, KA Ratliff
Psychological science 26 (7), 1131-1139, 2015
Beyond the Privacy Paradox
I Adjerid, E Peer, A Acquisti
MIS quarterly 42 (2), 465-488, 2018
Nudge me right: Personalizing online security nudges to people's decision-making styles
E Peer, S Egelman, M Harbach, N Malkin, A Mathur, A Frik
Computers in Human Behavior 109, 106347, 2020
Behavior ever follows intention? A validation of the Security Behavior Intentions Scale (SeBIS)
S Egelman, M Harbach, E Peer
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
Heuristics and biases in judicial decisions
E Peer, E Gamliel
Ct. Rev. 49, 114, 2013
The myth of the average user: Improving privacy and security systems through individualization
S Egelman, E Peer
Proceedings of the 2015 New Security Paradigms Workshop, 16-28, 2015
Too Reliable To Be True? Response Bias as a Potential Source of Inflation in Paper-And-Pencil Questionnaire Reliability
E Peer, E Gamliel
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation 16 (9), 2, 2010
“I cheated, but only a little”: Partial confessions to unethical behavior.
E Peer, A Acquisti, S Shalvi
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (2), 202, 2014
Predicting privacy and security attitudes
S Egelman, E Peer
ACM SIGCAS computers and society 45 (1), 22-28, 2015
Positive versus negative framing affects justice judgments
E Gamliel, E Peer
Social Justice Research 19, 307-322, 2006
Attribute framing affects the perceived fairness of health care allocation principles
E Gamliel, E Peer
Judgment and Decision Making 5 (1), 11-20, 2010
Selectively recruiting participants from Amazon Mechanical Turk using qualtrics
E Peer, G Paolacci, J Chandler, P Mueller
Available at SSRN 2100631, 2012
Speeding and the time-saving bias: How drivers’ estimations of time saved in higher speed affects their choice of speed
E Peer
Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (6), 1978-1982, 2010
The time-saving bias, speed choices and driving behavior
E Peer
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 14 (6), 543-554, 2011
Media literacy and media bias: Are media literacy students less susceptible to nonverbal judgment biases?
E Babad, E Peer, R Hobbs
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 1 (2), 97, 2012
Faculty attitudes about student evaluations and their relations to self-image as teacher
R Hammer, E Peer, E Babad
Social Psychology of Education 21, 517-537, 2018
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