Kristen Syrett
Kristen Syrett
Professor of Linguistics, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
rutgers.edu의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Meaning and context in children's understanding of gradable adjectives
K Syrett, C Kennedy, J Lidz
Journal of semantics 27 (1), 1-35, 2010
Experimental evidence for the truth conditional contribution and shifting information status of appositives
K Syrett, T Koev
Journal of Semantics 32 (3), 525-577, 2015
Collectivity, distributivity, and the interpretation of plural numerical expressions in child and adult language
K Syrett, J Musolino
Language acquisition 20 (4), 259-291, 2013
Learning about the structure of scales: Adverbial modification and the acquisition of the semantics of gradable adjectives
KL Syrett
Northwestern University, 2007
Shifting standards: Children’s understanding of gradable adjectives
K Syrett, E Bradley, C Kennedy, J Lidz
Inaugural Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition-North …, 2004
The interaction of syntax, prosody, and discourse in licensing French wh-in-situ questions
V Déprez, K Syrett, S Kawahara
Lingua 124, 4-19, 2013
Competence, performance, and the locality of quantifier raising: Evidence from 4-year-old children
K Syrett, J Lidz
Linguistic Inquiry 42 (2), 305-337, 2011
30-month-olds use the distribution and meaning of adverbs to interpret novel adjectives
K Syrett, J Lidz
Language Learning and Development 6 (4), 258-282, 2010
Slowly but surely: Adverbs support verb learning in 2-year-olds
K Syrett, S Arunachalam, SR Waxman
Language Learning and Development 10 (3), 263-278, 2014
How can syntax support number word acquisition?
K Syrett, J Musolino, R Gelman
Language Learning and Development 8 (2), 146-176, 2012
Lexical disambiguation in verb learning: Evidence from the conjoined-subject intransitive frame in English and Mandarin Chinese
S Arunachalam, K Syrett, YX Chen
Frontiers in psychology 7, 138, 2016
Experimental support for inverse scope readings of finite-clause-embedded antecedent-contained-deletion sentences
K Syrett
Linguistic Inquiry 46 (3), 579-592, 2015
Prosodic disambiguation of scopally ambiguous quantificational sentences in a discourse context1
K Syrett, G Simon, K Nisula
Journal of Linguistics 50 (2), 453-493, 2014
Gender bias in linguistics textbooks: Has anything changed since Macaulay & Brice 1997?
P Cépeda, H Kotek, K Pabst, K Syrett
Language 97 (4), 678-702, 2021
Production and perception of listener-oriented clear speech in child language
K Syrett, S Kawahara
Journal of Child Language 41 (6), 1373-1389, 2014
Differences between Spanish monolingual and Spanish-English bilingual children in their calculation of entailment-based scalar implicatures
K Syrett, A Lingwall, S Perez-Cortes, J Austin, L Sánchez, H Baker, ...
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2 (1), 2017
QR in child grammar: Evidence from antecedent-contained deletion
K Syrett, J Lidz
Language Acquisition 16 (2), 67-81, 2009
The influence of conversational context and the developing lexicon on the calculation of scalar implicatures: Insights from Spanish-English bilingual children
K Syrett, J Austin, L Sanchez, C Germak, A Lingwall, S Perez-Cortes, ...
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7 (2), 230-264, 2017
Acquisition of comparative and degree constructions
K Syrett
Oxford handbook of developmental linguistics, 463-497, 2016
Interfacing information and prosody: French wh-in-situ questions
V Déprez, K Syrett, S Kawahara
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010: Selected papers from'Going …, 2012
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