Yang LI
SenticNet 6: Ensemble Application of Symbolic and Subsymbolic AI for Sentiment Analysis
E Cambria, Y Li, FZ Xing, S Poria, K Kwok
CIKM, 2020
Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey
Y Li, T Yang
Guide to Big Data Applications, 83--104, 2018
A Generative Model for Category Text Generation
Y Li, Q Pan, S Wang, T Yang, E Cambria
Information Sciences 450, 301-315, 2018
Learning Word Representations for Sentiment Analysis
Y Li, Q Pan, T Yang, S Wang, J Tang, E Cambria
Cognitive Computation 9 (6), 843--851, 2017
Learning multi-grained aspect target sequence for Chinese sentiment analysis
H Peng, Y Ma, Y Li, E Cambria
Knowledge-Based Systems 148, 167--176, 2018
Disentangled variational auto-encoder for semi-supervised learning
Y Li, Q Pan, S Wang, H Peng, T Yang, E Cambria
Information Sciences 482, 73--85, 2019
Learning binary codes with neural collaborative filtering for efficient recommendation systems
Y Li, S Wang, Q Pan, H Peng, T Yang, E Cambria
Knowledge-based systems 172 (15), 64-75, 2019
Multitask Learning for Emotion and Personality Traits Detection
Y Li, A Kazemeini, Y Mehta, E Cambria
Neurocomputing 493, 340-350, 2022
Phonetic-enriched Text Representation for Chinese Sentiment Analysis with Reinforcement Learning
H Peng, Y Ma, S Poria, Y Li, E Cambria
Information Fusion 70, 88-99, 2021
Reasonable price recommendation on Airbnb using Multi-Scale clustering
Y Li, Q Pan, T Yang, L Guo
2016 35th Chinese control conference (CCC), 7038-7041, 2016
Recent developments in recommender systems: A survey
Y Li, K Liu, R Satapathy, S Wang, E Cambria
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 19 (2), 78-95, 2024
Short Text Classification with A Convolutional Neural Networks Based Method
Y Hu, Y Li, T Yang, Q Pan
15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision …, 2018
ECPEC: Emotion-cause pair extraction in conversations
W Li, Y Li, V Pandelea, M Ge, L Zhu, E Cambria
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 14 (3), 1754-1765, 2022
Seq2Seq Deep Learning Models for Microtext Normalization
R Satapathy, Y Li, S Cavallari, E Cambria
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2019
A survey on cybersecurity attacks and defenses for unmanned aerial systems
Z Wang, Y Li, S Wu, Y Zhou, L Yang, Y Xu, T Zhang, Q Pan
Journal of Systems Architecture 138, 102870, 2023
Hformer: highly efficient vision transformer for low-dose CT denoising
SY Zhang, ZX Wang, HB Yang, YL Chen, Y Li, Q Pan, HK Wang, CX Zhao
Nuclear Science and Techniques 34 (4), 61, 2023
Popularity Prediction on Vacation Rental Websites
Y Li, S Wang, Y Ma, Q Pan, E Cambria
Neurocomputing 412, 372-380, 2020
Conditional self-attention generative adversarial network with differential evolution algorithm for imbalanced data classification
NIU Jiawei, LIU Zhunga, PAN Quan, Y Yanbo, LI Yang
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 36 (3), 303-315, 2023
A highly interpretable framework for generic low-cost UAV attack detection
S Wu, Y Li, Z Wang, Z Tan, Q Pan
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (7), 7288-7300, 2023
Graph routing between capsules
Y Li, W Zhao, E Cambria, S Wang, S Eger
Neural Networks 143, 345-354, 2021
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