Ji-Hwan Kwon
In situ observation of filamentary conducting channels in an asymmetric Ta2O5x/TaO2−x bilayer structure
GS Park, YB Kim, SY Park, XS Li, S Heo, MJ Lee, M Chang, JH Kwon, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2382, 2013
Strain-induced spin states in atomically ordered cobaltites
WS Choi, JH Kwon, H Jeen, JE Hamann-Borrero, A Radi, S Macke, ...
Nano letters 12 (9), 4966-4970, 2012
Nanoscale Spin-State Ordering in LaCoO3 Epitaxial Thin Films
JH Kwon, WS Choi, YK Kwon, R Jung, JM Zuo, HN Lee, M Kim
Chemistry of Materials 26 (8), 2496-2501, 2014
Toward superconducting critical current by design
IA Sadovskyy, Y Jia, M Leroux, J Kwon, H Hu, L Fang, C Chaparro, S Zhu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.06446, 2015
Oscillatory noncollinear magnetism induced by interfacial charge transfer in superlattices composed of metallic oxides
JD Hoffman, BJ Kirby, J Kwon, G Fabbris, D Meyers, JW Freeland, I Martin, ...
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041038, 2016
Nanostructural features degrading the performance of superconducting radio frequency niobium cavities revealed by transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss …
Y Trenikhina, A Romanenko, J Kwon, JM Zuo, JF Zasadzinski
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (15), 2015
Structural characteristics of epitaxial SnO2 films deposited on a-and m-cut sapphire by ALD
JH Kwon, M Kim, SH Hong
Journal of crystal growth 322 (1), 33-37, 2011
Pure electronic metal-insulator transition at the interface of complex oxides
D Meyers, J Liu, JW Freeland, S Middey, M Kareev, J Kwon, JM Zuo, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 27934, 2016
Photodeposition of Pt Nanoparticles on Co3O4 Nanocubes for Detection of Acetone at Part-Per-Billion Levels
A Ma, SY Baek, JH Seo, SA Abbas, JH Kwon, SJ Ahn, KM Nam
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (3), 2752-2759, 2021
Orientation relationship of polycrystalline Pd-doped SnO2 thin film deposits on sapphire substrates
JH Kwon, YH Choi, M Yang, J Jang, TW Kim, SH Hong, M Kim
Thin Solid Films 517 (2), 550-553, 2008
Oral toxicity of titanium dioxide P25 at repeated dose 28-day and 90-day in rats
MB Heo, M Kwak, KS An, HJ Kim, HY Ryu, SM Lee, KS Song, IY Kim, ...
Particle and Fibre Toxicology 17, 1-22, 2020
Emergence of Room-Temperature Magnetic Ordering in Artificially Fabricated Ordered-Double-Perovskite Sr2FeRuO6
J Chang, K Lee, MH Jung, JH Kwon, M Kim, SK Kim
Chemistry of Materials 23 (11), 2693-2696, 2011
Crystalline and amorphous structures of Ge–Sb–Te nanoparticles
GS Park, JH Kwon, M Kim, HR Yoon, W Jo, TK Kim, JM Zuo, Y Khang
Journal of applied physics 102 (1), 2007
Defect-related room-temperature ferroelectricity in tensile-strained SrTiO3 thin films on GdScO3 (110) substrates
YS Kim, JS Choi, J Kim, SJ Moon, BH Park, J Yu, JH Kwon, M Kim, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (24), 2010
Strain‐Induced Modulation of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in Ultrathin Hexagonal Gold Nanoplates
GS Park, KS Min, H Kwon, S Yoon, S Park, JH Kwon, S Lee, J Jo, M Kim, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (38), 2100653, 2021
Reversible conversion reactions of mesoporous iron oxide with high initial coulombic efficiency for lithium-ion batteries
JH Kwon, K N. Chaudhari, E Coy, JH Seo, SJ Ahn, YH Lee, S Lee, ...
ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering 9 (49), 16627-16636, 2021
Impact of interstitial oxygen on the electronic and magnetic structure in superconducting thin films
H Hu, JH Kwon, M Zheng, C Zhang, LH Greene, JN Eckstein, JM Zuo
Physical Review B 90 (18), 180504, 2014
Highly oriented self-assembly of conducting polymer chains: Extended-chain crystallization during long-range polymerization
NJ Kim, JH Kwon, M Kim
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (29), 15402-15408, 2013
A Novel, Layered Phase in Ti‐Rich SrTiO3 Epitaxial Thin Films
S Lee, AR Damodaran, P Gorai, N Oh, JA Moyer, JH Kwon, N Ferdous, ...
Advanced Materials 27 (5), 861-868, 2015
Novel route from a wurtzite to a rock-salt structure in CoO nanocrystals: In situ transmission electron microscopy study
KY Jang, SJ Ahn, JH Kwon, KM Nam, YH Kim
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (16), 10689-10694, 2019
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