K. C. Shashidhar
K. C. Shashidhar
PromptBio Inc
promptbio.ai의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Sensitive and specific multi-cancer detection and localization using methylation signatures in cell-free DNA
MC Liu, GR Oxnard, EA Klein, C Swanton, MV Seiden, CCGA-Consortium
Annals of Oncology, 2020
Symbolic analysis for improving simulation coverage of Simulink/Stateflow models
R Alur, A Kanade, S Ramesh, KC Shashidhar
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Embedded software, 89-98, 2008
Generating and analyzing symbolic traces of Simulink/Stateflow models
A Kanade, R Alur, F Ivančić, S Ramesh, S Sankaranarayanan, ...
Computer Aided Verification, 430-445, 2009
Automatic test case generation from Simulink/Stateflow models using model checking
S Mohalik, AA Gadkari, A Yeolekar, KC Shashidhar, S Ramesh
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 24 (2), 155-180, 2014
AutoMOTGen: Automatic model oriented test generator for embedded control systems
A Gadkari, A Yeolekar, J Suresh, S Ramesh, S Mohalik, KC Shashidhar
Computer Aided Verification, 204-208, 2008
Verification of source code transformations by program equivalence checking
KC Shashidhar, M Bruynooghe, F Catthoor, G Janssens
Compiler Construction, 137-137, 2005
Functional equivalence checking for verification of algebraic transformations on array-intensive source code
KC Shashidhar, M Bruynooghe, F Catthoor, G Janssens
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 1310-1315, 2005
Automatic generation of test-cases using model checking for sl/sf models
AA Gadkari, S Mohalik, K Shashidhar, A Yeolekar, J Suresh, S Ramesh
Proceedings of the 4th model-driven engineering, verification and validation …, 2007
Geometric Model Checking: An Automatic Verification Technique for Loop and Data Reuse Transformations
KC Shashidhar, M Bruynooghe, F Catthoor, G Janssens
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 65 (2), 67-82, 2002
CLSE: Closed-loop symbolic execution
R Majumdar, I Saha, KC Shashidhar, Z Wang
NASA Formal Methods: 4th International Symposium, NFM 2012, Norfolk, VA, USA …, 2012
Iterative refinement of specification for component based embedded systems
M Shahbaz, KC Shashidhar, R Eschbach
Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Software Testing and …, 2011
Testing model-processing tools for embedded systems
P Sampath, AC Rajeev, S Ramesh, KC Shashidhar
13th IEEE Real Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS …, 2007
Efficient automatic verification of loop and data-flow transformations by functional equivalence checking
KC Shashidhar
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven …, 2008
An automatic verification technique for loop and data reuse transformations based on geometric modeling of programs
KC Shashidhar, M Bruynooghe, F Catthoor, G Janssens
Journal of Universal Computer Science 9 (3), 248-269, 2003
CoGenTe: A tool for code generator testing
AC Rajeev, P Sampath, KC Shashidhar, S Ramesh
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2010
Behaviour directed testing of auto-code generators
P Sampath, AC Rajeev, S Ramesh, KC Shashidhar
2008 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2008
Integrating Software Safety and Product Line Engineering using Formal Methods: Challenges and Opportunities
M Becker, S Kemmann, KC Shashidhar
1st International Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Product Line …, 2010
Automatic functional verification of memory oriented global source code transformations
KC Shashidhar, M Bruynooghe, F Catthoor, G Janssens
High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop, 2003. Eighth IEEE …, 2003
Low power design of turbo decoder module with exploration of energy-performance trade-offs
KC Shashidhar, A Vandecappelle, F Catthoor
2nd Workshop on Compilers and Operating Systems for Low Power (COLP) in …, 2001
Specification inference using systematic reverse-engineering methodologies: An automotive industry application
M Shahbaz, KC Shashidhar, R Eschbach
IEEE software 29 (6), 62-69, 2011
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