Prakriti Naswa
Prakriti Naswa
Climate Risks and Resilience
iima.ac.in의 이메일 확인됨
Energy infrastructure in India: Profile and risks under climate change
A Garg, P Naswa, PR Shukla
Energy Policy 81, 226-238, 2015
Adaptation metrics: Perspectives on measuring, aggregating and comparing adaptation results
L Christiansen, GS Martinez, P Naswa
UNEP DTU Partnership, 2018
Climate change adaptation technologies for water: A practitioner’s guide to adaptation technologies for increased water sector resilience
M Bertule, LR Appelquist, J Spensley, SLM Trærup, P Naswa
UNEP DTU Partnership, 2018
Monitoring & evaluation for climate change adaptation: A summary of key challenges and emerging practice. Understanding, discussing and exemplifying the key challenges of M&E …
L Christiansen, C Schaer, C Larsen, P Naswa
Development of universal metrics for adaptation effectiveness
A Michaelowa, M Stadelmann, L Christiansen, G Martinez, P Naswa
UDP Perspectives series 1 (2018/1), 63-72, 2018
Managing climate-induced risks on Indian infrastructure assets
P Naswa, A Garg
Current Science, 395-404, 2011
Impact Assessment and Management Framework for Infrastructure Assets; a Case Study of Konkan Railways
A Garg, P Naswa, PR Shukla
UNEP Risø Centre, 2013
The economics of adaptation: concepts, methods and examples
JMI Callaway, P Naswa, SLM Trærup, RK Bakkegaard
UNEP DTU Partnership, 2016
Buenas prácticas para el diseño e implementación de sistemas nacionales de monitoreo para la adaptación al cambio climático
P Naswa, S Traerup, C Bouroncle, C Medellín, PA Imbach, B Louman, ...
Programa de Cambio Climático y Cuencas (PCCC), 2015
Sistema Nacional de Indicadores de Adaptación al Cambio Climático (SIACC): definición del conjunto de indicadores
C Bouroncle, C Rodríguez, M Florián, P Naswa, S Lærke, A Olhoff
Bogotá: CATIE. Recuperado de https://www. ctcn. org/sites/www. ctc n. org …, 2016
Adaptation Metrics: Perspectives on Measuring
L Christiansen, G Martinez, P Naswa
Aggregating and Comparing Adaptation Results, 2018
Climate change adaptation technologies for water
M Bertule, LR Appelquist, J Spensley, SLM Trærup, P Naswa
A Practitioner’s Guide to Adaptation Technologies for Increased Water Sector …, 2018
Good practice in designing and implementing national monitoring systems for adaptation to climate change
P Naswa, SLM Trærup, C Bouroncle, C Medellín, P Imbach, B Louman, ...
Climate Technology Centre & Network, 2015
Adaptation metrics: perspectives on measuring, aggregating and comparing adaptation results
G Martinez, L Christiansen
Adaptation metrics: Perspectives on measuring, aggregating and comparing …, 2018
From needs to implementation: Stories from the technology needs assessments
S Bee, S Traerup, V Hecl, A Druta, D Desgain, LE Gregersen, J Haselip, ...
UNEP DTU Partnership, 2017
Developing INDCs: a guidance note
RK Bakkegaard, S Bee, P Naswa, T Ngara, A Olhoff, S Sharma, ...
UNEP DTU Partnership, 2015
Case Study: Konkan railway CorporationLimited
A Garg, P Naswa, PR Shukla
The Adaptation Gap Report. Towards Global Assessment.
A Olhoff, H Neufeldt, P Naswa, KEJ Dorkenoo
Evaluating Measures for Inclusion in a Technology Action Plan
P Naswa, S Dhar, S Sharma
UNEP DTU Partnership, 2017
Adaptation to climate change in Colombia's oil and gas industry: Recommendations to promote risk management
D Puig, JA Haselip, P Naswa
UNEP DTU Partnership, 2015
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