Miguel Xavier
Miguel Xavier
NOVA Medical School
nms.unl.pt의 이메일 확인됨
The prevalence and correlates of binge eating disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
RC Kessler, PA Berglund, WT Chiu, AC Deitz, JI Hudson, V Shahly, ...
Biological psychiatry 73 (9), 904-914, 2013
Barriers to mental health treatment: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys
LH Andrade, J Alonso, Z Mneimneh, JE Wells, A Al-Hamzawi, G Borges, ...
Psychological medicine 44 (6), 1303-1317, 2014
Posttraumatic stress disorder in the world mental health surveys
KC Koenen, A Ratanatharathorn, L Ng, KA McLaughlin, EJ Bromet, ...
Psychological medicine 47 (13), 2260-2274, 2017
The descriptive epidemiology of DSM-IV adult ADHD in the world health organization world mental health surveys
J Fayyad, NA Sampson, I Hwang, T Adamowski, S Aguilar-Gaxiola, ...
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 9, 47-65, 2017
Anxious and non-anxious major depressive disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
RC Kessler, NA Sampson, P Berglund, MJ Gruber, A Al-Hamzawi, ...
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 24 (3), 210-226, 2015
The cross-national epidemiology of social anxiety disorder: Data from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative
DJ Stein, CCW Lim, AM Roest, P De Jonge, S Aguilar-Gaxiola, ...
BMC medicine 15, 1-21, 2017
Prevalence of common mental disorders in general practice attendees across Europe
M King, I Nazareth, G Levy, C Walker, R Morris, S Weich, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 192 (5), 362-367, 2008
Affective disorders and risk of developing dementia: systematic review
J da Silva, M Goncalves-Pereira, M Xavier, EB Mukaetova-Ladinska
The British Journal of Psychiatry 202 (3), 177-186, 2013
Family burden and coping strategies in schizophrenia: 1-year follow-up data from the BIOMED I study
L Magliano, G Fadden, M Economou, T Held, M Xavier, M Guarneri, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 35, 109-115, 2000
The cross-national epidemiology of specific phobia in the World Mental Health Surveys
KJ Wardenaar, CCW Lim, AO Al-Hamzawi, J Alonso, LH Andrade, ...
Psychological medicine 47 (10), 1744-1760, 2017
Age of onset and cumulative risk of mental disorders: a cross-national analysis of population surveys from 29 countries
JJ McGrath, A Al-Hamzawi, J Alonso, Y Altwaijri, LH Andrade, EJ Bromet, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 10 (9), 668-681, 2023
Development and validation of an international risk prediction algorithm for episodes of major depression in general practice attendees: the PredictD study
M King, C Walker, G Levy, C Bottomley, P Royston, S Weich, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 65 (12), 1368-1376, 2008
Associations between unemployment and major depressive disorder: evidence from an international, prospective study (the predict cohort)
BJ Jefferis, I Nazareth, L Marston, B Moreno-Kustner, JÁ Bellón, I Svab, ...
Social science & medicine 73 (11), 1627-1634, 2011
Transgenerational inheritance: how impacts to the epigenetic and genetic information of parents affect offspring health
MJ Xavier, SD Roman, RJ Aitken, B Nixon
Human reproduction update 25 (5), 519-541, 2019
A systematic review of the validated monogenic causes of human male infertility: 2020 update and a discussion of emerging gene–disease relationships
BJ Houston, A Riera-Escamilla, MJ Wyrwoll, A Salas-Huetos, MJ Xavier, ...
Human reproduction update 28 (1), 15-29, 2022
Estudo epidemiológico nacional de saúde mental: 1º relatório
J Almeida, M Xavier, G Cardoso, A Pereira, R Gusmão, B Corrêa, J Gago, ...
Lisboa: Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 26-29, 2013
Associations between mental disorders and subsequent onset of hypertension
DJ Stein, S Aguilar-Gaxiola, J Alonso, R Bruffaerts, P De Jonge, Z Liu, ...
General hospital psychiatry 36 (2), 142-149, 2014
Estudo epidemiológico nacional de saúde mental
JM Caldas de Almeida, M Xavier, G Cardoso, MG Pereira, R Gusmão, ...
Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa 1, 5-113, 2013
The association between childhood adversities and subsequent first onset of psychotic experiences: a cross-national analysis of 23 998 respondents from 17 countries
JJ McGrath, KA McLaughlin, S Saha, S Aguilar-Gaxiola, A Al-Hamzawi, ...
Psychological medicine 47 (7), 1230-1245, 2017
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among college students and same-aged peers: results from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
P Mortier, RP Auerbach, J Alonso, WG Axinn, P Cuijpers, DD Ebert, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 53, 279-288, 2018
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