Anouk F. Duque
Anouk F. Duque
i4HB, UCIBIO, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal
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Response of a three-stage process for PHA production by mixed microbial cultures to feedstock shift: impact on polymer composition
AF Duque, CSS Oliveira, ITD Carmo, AR Gouveia, F Pardelha, AM Ramos, ...
New biotechnology 31 (4), 276-288, 2014
Changes in the bacterial community structure in two-stage constructed wetlands with different plants for industrial wastewater treatment
CSC Calheiros, AF Duque, A Moura, IS Henriques, A Correia, ...
Bioresource technology 100 (13), 3228-3235, 2009
Substrate effect on bacterial communities from constructed wetlands planted with Typha latifolia treating industrial wastewater
CSC Calheiros, AF Duque, A Moura, IS Henriques, A Correia, ...
Ecological engineering 35 (5), 744-753, 2009
Bacterial community dynamics in horizontal flow constructed wetlands with different plants for high salinity industrial wastewater polishing
CSC Calheiros, A Teixeira, C Pires, AR Franco, AF Duque, LFC Crispim, ...
Water research 44 (17), 5032-5038, 2010
2-Fluorophenol degradation by aerobic granular sludge in a sequencing batch reactor
AF Duque, VS Bessa, MF Carvalho, MK de Kreuk, MCM van Loosdrecht, ...
Water research 45 (20), 6745-6752, 2011
Dynamic change of pH in acidogenic fermentation of cheese whey towards polyhydroxyalkanoates production: Impact on performance and microbial population
AR Gouveia, EB Freitas, CF Galinha, G Carvalho, AF Duque, MAM Reis
New biotechnology 37, 108-116, 2017
Adsorption of fluorobenzene onto granular activated carbon: Isotherm and bioavailability studies
MF Carvalho, AF Duque, IC Gonçalves, PML Castro
Bioresource technology 98 (18), 3424-3430, 2007
Valorization of raw brewers’ spent grain through the production of volatile fatty acids
MR Teixeira, EC Guarda, EB Freitas, CF Galinha, AF Duque, MAM Reis
New biotechnology 57, 4-10, 2020
Isolation and characterization of a Rhodococcus strain able to degrade 2-fluorophenol
AF Duque, SA Hasan, VS Bessa, MF Carvalho, G Samin, DB Janssen, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 95 (2), 511-520, 2012
Bioaugmentation of a rotating biological contactor for degradation of 2-fluorophenol
AF Duque, VS Bessa, MF Carvalho, PML Castro
Bioresource technology 102 (19), 9300-9303, 2011
Functional redundancy ensures performance robustness in 3-stage PHA-producing mixed cultures under variable feed operation
G Carvalho, I Pedras, SM Karst, CSS Oliveira, AF Duque, PH Nielsen, ...
New biotechnology 40, 207-217, 2018
Labrys portucalensis sp. nov., a fluorobenzene-degrading bacterium isolated from an industrially contaminated sediment in northern Portugal
MF Carvalho, P De Marco, AF Duque, CC Pacheco, DB Janssen, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 58 (3 …, 2008
Valorization of wastewater from food industry: Moving to a circular bioeconomy
CFFA Costa, CL Amorim, AF Duque, MAM Reis, PML Castro
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 21 (1), 269-295, 2022
A two-stage process for conversion of brewer’s spent grain into volatile fatty acids through acidogenic fermentation
EC Guarda, AC Oliveira, S Antunes, F Freitas, PML Castro, AF Duque, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 3222, 2021
Effects of fermentation residues on the melt processability and thermomechanical degradation of PHBV produced from cheese whey using mixed microbial cultures
L Hilliou, PF Teixeira, D Machado, JA Covas, CSS Oliveira, AF Duque, ...
Polymer degradation and stability 128, 269-277, 2016
Wastewater valorization: Practice around the world at pilot-and full-scale
AF Duque, R Campo, A Val del Rio, CL Amorim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (18), 9466, 2021
Bioaugmentation for treating transient 4-fluorocinnamic acid shock loads in a rotating biological contactor
CL Amorim, AF Duque, CMM Afonso, PML Castro
Bioresource technology 144, 554-562, 2013
Valorization of brewery waste through polyhydroxyalkanoates production supported by a metabolic specialized microbiome
M Carvalheira, CL Amorim, AC Oliveira, EC Guarda, E Costa, ...
Life 12 (9), 1347, 2022
Biological treatment of a contaminated gaseous emission from a leather industry in a suspended-growth bioreactor
MF Carvalho, AF Duque, SC Moura, CL Amorim, RMF Jorge, PML Castro
Chemosphere 74 (2), 232-238, 2009
A novel sustainable PHA downstream method
S Mondal, UT Syed, C Gil, L Hilliou, AF Duque, MAM Reis, C Brazinha
Green Chemistry 25 (3), 1137-1149, 2023
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