Kyoung-Whan Kim
Kyoung-Whan Kim
Assistant Professor, Yonsei University
yonsei.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization through spin–orbit torque in antiferromagnet/ferromagnet/oxide structures
YW Oh, S Chris Baek, YM Kim, HY Lee, KD Lee, CG Yang, ES Park, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (10), 878-884, 2016
Spin-wave propagation in the presence of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
JH Moon, SM Seo, KJ Lee, KW Kim, J Ryu, HW Lee, RD McMichael, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (18), 184404, 2013
Magnetization dynamics induced by in-plane currents in ultrathin magnetic nanostructures with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
KW Kim, SM Seo, J Ryu, KJ Lee, HW Lee
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (18), 180404, 2012
Chirality from interfacial spin-orbit coupling effects in magnetic bilayers
KW Kim, HW Lee, KJ Lee, MD Stiles
Physical review letters 111 (21), 216601, 2013
Long-range chiral exchange interaction in synthetic antiferromagnets
DS Han, K Lee, JP Hanke, Y Mokrousov, KW Kim, W Yoo, YLW van Hees, ...
Nature materials, 703-708, 2019
Prediction of giant spin motive force due to rashba spin-orbit coupling
KW Kim, JH Moon, KJ Lee, HW Lee
Physical review letters 108 (21), 217202, 2012
Rashba effect in functional spintronic devices
HC Koo, SB Kim, H Kim, TE Park, JW Choi, KW Kim, G Go, JH Oh, DK Lee, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (51), 2002117, 2020
Current-induced motion of a transverse magnetic domain wall in the presence of spin Hall effect
SM Seo, KW Kim, J Ryu, HW Lee, KJ Lee
Applied Physics Letters 101 (2), 2012
Asymmetric Skyrmion Hall Effect in Systems with Hybrid Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
KW Kim, KW Moon, N Kerber, J Nothhelfer, K Everschor-Sitte
Physical Review B 97 (22), 224427, 2018
Exploitable magnetic anisotropy of the two-dimensional magnet CrI3
J Kim, KW Kim, B Kim, CJ Kang, D Shin, SH Lee, BC Min, N Park
Nano Letters 20 (2), 929-935, 2020
Spin-orbit torques from interfacial spin-orbit coupling for various interfaces
KW Kim, KJ Lee, J Sinova, HW Lee, MD Stiles
Physical Review B 96 (10), 104438, 2017
Simultaneous control of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic anisotropy in nanomagnetic trilayers
AL Balk, KW Kim, DT Pierce, MD Stiles, J Unguris, SM Stavis
Physical Review Letters 119 (7), 077205, 2017
Exchange Bias in Weakly Interlayer-Coupled van der Waals Magnet Fe3GeTe2
HK Gweon, SY Lee, HY Kwon, J Jeong, HJ Chang, KW Kim, ZQ Qiu, ...
Nano letters 21 (4), 1672-1678, 2021
Prediction of ferroelectricity-driven Berry curvature enabling charge- and spin-controllable photocurrent in tin telluride monolayers
J Kim, KW Kim, D Shin, SH Lee, J Sinova, N Park, H Jin
Nature Communications 10, 3965, 2019
Electric-field control of field-free spin-orbit torque switching via laterally modulated Rashba effect in Pt/Co/AlOx structures
MG Kang, JG Choi, J Jeong, JY Park, HJ Park, T Kim, T Lee, KJ Kim, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 7111, 2021
Understanding the giant enhancement of exchange interaction in Bi2Se3-EuS heterostructures
J Kim, KW Kim, H Wang, J Sinova, R Wu
Physical Review Letters 119 (2), 027201, 2017
Long-Range Orbital Torque by Momentum-Space Hotspots
D Go, D Jo, KW Kim, S Lee, MG Kang, BG Park, S Blügel, HW Lee, ...
Physical Review Letters 130 (24), 246701, 2023
Orbital dynamics in centrosymmetric systems
S Han, HW Lee, KW Kim
Physical Review Letters 128, 176601, 2022
Self-consistent calculation of spin transport and magnetization dynamics
KJ Lee, MD Stiles, HW Lee, JH Moon, KW Kim, SW Lee
Physics reports 531 (2), 89-113, 2013
Generalized Spin Drift-Diffusion Formalism in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Interaction of Ferromagnets
KW Kim, KJ Lee
Physical Review Letters 125, 207205, 2020
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