Jiong Zhao(赵炯)
Jiong Zhao(赵炯)
polyu.edu.hk의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Phase patterning for ohmic homojunction contact in MoTe2
S Cho, S Kim, JH Kim, J Zhao, J Seok, DH Keum, J Baik, DH Choe, ...
Science 349 (6248), 625-628, 2015
Free-standing single-atom-thick iron membranes suspended in graphene pores
J Zhao, Q Deng, A Bachmatiuk, G Sandeep, A Popov, J Eckert, ...
Science 343 (6176), 1228-1232, 2014
A growth mechanism for free-standing vertical graphene
J Zhao, M Shaygan, J Eckert, M Meyyappan, MH Rümmeli
Nano Letters 14 (6), 3064-3071, 2014
Misorientation-angle-dependent electrical transport across molybdenum disulfide grain boundaries
TH Ly, DJ Perello, J Zhao, Q Deng, H Kim, GH Han, SH Chae, HY Jeong, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10426, 2016
Solution‐phase epitaxial growth of perovskite films on 2D material flakes for high‐performance solar cells
G Tang, P You, Q Tai, A Yang, J Cao, F Zheng, Z Zhou, J Zhao, PKL Chan, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (24), 1807689, 2019
Charge Transport in MoS2/WSe2 van der Waals Heterostructure with Tunable Inversion Layer
MH Doan, Y Jin, S Adhikari, S Lee, J Zhao, SC Lim, YH Lee
ACS nano 11 (4), 3832-3840, 2017
Heterogeneous Defect Domains in Single‐Crystalline Hexagonal WS2
HY Jeong, Y Jin, SJ Yun, J Zhao, J Baik, DH Keum, HS Lee, YH Lee
Advanced Materials 29 (15), 1605043, 2017
Observing grain boundaries in CVD-grown monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
TH Ly, MH Chiu, MY Li, J Zhao, DJ Perello, MO Cichocka, HM Oh, ...
ACS nano 8 (11), 11401-11408, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanowalls on different substrates by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
K Davami, M Shaygan, N Kheirabi, J Zhao, DA Kovalenko, MH Rümmeli, ...
Carbon 72, 372-380, 2014
2D transition metal–TCNQ sheets as bifunctional single-atom catalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reaction (ORR/OER)
Q Deng, J Zhao, T Wu, G Chen, HA Hansen, T Vegge
Journal of Catalysis 370, 378-384, 2019
In Situ Observations of Free-Standing Graphene-like Mono- and Bilayer ZnO Membranes
HT Quang, A Bachmatiuk, A Dianat, F Ortmann, J Zhao, JH Warner, ...
ACS nano 9 (11), 11408-11413, 2015
Synergies of Fe single atoms and clusters on N‐doped carbon electrocatalyst for pH‐universal oxygen reduction
M Liu, J Lee, TC Yang, F Zheng, J Zhao, CM Yang, LYS Lee
Small Methods 5 (5), 2001165, 2021
Tunable active edge sites in PtSe2 films towards hydrogen evolution reaction
S Lin, Y Liu, Z Hu, W Lu, CH Mak, L Zeng, J Zhao, Y Li, F Yan, YH Tsang, ...
Nano Energy 42, 26-33, 2017
Electrical breakdown of nanowires
J Zhao, H Sun, S Dai, Y Wang, J Zhu
Nano letters 11 (11), 4647-4651, 2011
Direct in situ observations of single Fe atom catalytic processes and anomalous diffusion at graphene edges
J Zhao, Q Deng, SM Avdoshenko, L Fu, J Eckert, MH Rümmeli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (44), 15641-15646, 2014
Freestanding ultrathin metallic nanosheets: Materials, synthesis, and applications
T Ling, JJ Wang, H Zhang, ST Song, YZ Zhou, J Zhao, XW Du
Advanced Materials 27 (36), 5396-5402, 2015
Electrical Transport Properties of Polymorphic MoS2
JS Kim, J Kim, J Zhao, S Kim, JH Lee, Y Jin, H Choi, BH Moon, JJ Bae, ...
ACS nano 10 (8), 7500-7506, 2016
Telluriding monolayer MoS2 and WS2 via alkali metal scooter
SJ Yun, GH Han, H Kim, DL Duong, BG Shin, J Zhao, QA Vu, J Lee, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2163, 2017
Phase-controllable large-area two-dimensional In2Se3 and ferroelectric heterophase junction
W Han, X Zheng, K Yang, CS Tsang, F Zheng, LW Wong, KH Lai, T Yang, ...
Nature nanotechnology 18 (1), 55-63, 2023
Conductivity enhancement by slight indium doping in ZnO nanowires for optoelectronic applications
M Ahmad, J Zhao, J Iqbal, W Miao, L Xie, R Mo, J Zhu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (16), 165406, 2009
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