Byounggu Choi
Byounggu Choi
Professor, School of Management, Kookmin University
kookmin.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨
Knowledge management enablers, processes, and organizational performance: An integrative view and empirical examination
H Lee, B Choi
Journal of management information systems 20 (1), 179-228, 2003
An empirical investigation of KM styles and their effect on corporate performance
B Choi, H Lee
Information & Management 40 (5), 403-417, 2003
Knowledge management strategy and its link to knowledge creation process
B Choi, H Lee
Expert Systems with applications 23 (3), 173-187, 2002
Effects of knowledge management strategy on organizational performance: A complementarity theory-based approach
B Choi, SK Poon, JG Davis
Omega 36 (2), 235-251, 2008
Knowledge management enablers, processes, and organizational peformance
BG Choi
한국과학기술원, 2002
Effects of initial and ongoing trust in IT outsourcing: A bilateral perspective
JN Lee, B Choi
Information & Management 48 (2-3), 96-105, 2011
Assessing the impact of knowledge management strategies announcements on the market value of firms
B Choi, AM Jong
Information & management 47 (1), 42-52, 2010
Effect of government data openness on a knowledge-based economy
JN Lee, J Ham, B Choi
Procedia Computer Science 91, 158-167, 2016
How do knowledge management resources and capabilities pay off in short term and long term?
OKD Lee, B Choi, H Lee
Information & Management 57 (2), 103166, 2020
Open and closed knowledge sourcing: Their effect on innovation performance in small and medium enterprises
J Ham, B Choi, JN Lee
Industrial Management & Data Systems 117 (6), 1166-1184, 2017
Alignment between service innovation strategy and business strategy and its effect on firm performance: An empirical investigation
HS Ryu, JN Lee, B Choi
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 62 (1), 100-113, 2014
An organizational memory for facilitating knowledge: an application to e-business architecture
J Chang, B Choi, H Lee
Expert Systems with Applications 26 (2), 203-215, 2004
Open innovation maturity model for the government: an open system perspective
J Ham, JN Lee, D Kim, B Choi
Effects of web retail service quality and product categories on consumer behavior: a research model and empirical exploration
B Choi, C Lee, H Lee, M Subramani
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
Determinants of knowledge management assimilation: An empirical investigation
JN Lee, B Choi
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 57 (3), 430-449, 2009
Complementarities and substitutabilities among knowledge sourcing strategies and their impact on firm performance
B Choi, JN Lee
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 13 (7), 3, 2012
Categorizing commercial products for customer oriented online retailing
SY Choi, B Choi, H Lee
Computers & Industrial Engineering 51 (1), 90-101, 2006
Understanding the performance of collaborative filtering recommendation through social network analysis
SM Ahn, IH Kim, B Choi, Y Cho, E Kim, MK Kim
Journal of Society for e-Business Studies 17 (2), 2014
A comparative study of conceptual data modeling techniques
H Lee, BG Choi
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 9 (2), 26-35, 1998
Knowledg management and organizational performance
B Choi, H Lee
Informs & Korms, 1104-1113, 2000
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