Anupriya Ankolekar
Anupriya Ankolekar
Principal Research Scientist, ModuleQ Inc.
moduleq.com의 이메일 확인됨
DAML-S: Web service description for the semantic web
A Ankolekar, M Burstein, JR Hobbs, O Lassila, D Martin, D McDermott, ...
The Semantic Web—ISWC 2002: First International Semantic Web Conference …, 2002
Automated discovery, interaction and composition of semantic web services
K Sycara, M Paolucci, A Ankolekar, N Srinivasan
Journal of Web semantics 1 (1), 27-46, 2003
DAML-S: A semantic markup language for web services
A Ankolenkar, M Burstein, J Hobbs, O Lassila, D Martin, S McIlraith, ...
The two cultures: Mashing up Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web
A Ankolekar, M Krötzsch, T Tran, D Vrandecic
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 825-834, 2007
Preference-based selection of highly configurable web services
S Lamparter, A Ankolekar, R Studer, S Grimm
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 1013-1022, 2007
DOLCE ergo SUMO: On foundational and domain models in the SmartWeb Integrated Ontology (SWIntO)
D Oberle, A Ankolekar, P Hitzler, P Cimiano, M Sintek, M Kiesel, ...
Journal of Web Semantics 5 (3), 156-174, 2007
DAML-S: Web service description for the semantic Web
DS Coalition, A Ankolekar, M Burstein, JR Hobbs, O Lassila, D McDermott, ...
Proc. Int’l Semantic Web Conf, 348-363, 2002
The DAML-S virtual machine
M Paolucci, A Ankolekar, N Srinivasan, K Sycara
International Semantic Web Conference, 290-305, 2003
Supporting online problem-solving communities with the semantic web
A Ankolekar, K Sycara, J Herbsleb, R Kraut, C Welty
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, 575-584, 2006
Automatic matchmaking of web services
S Agarwal, A Ankolekar
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, 1057-1058, 2006
Towards a formal verification of owl-s process models
A Ankolekar, M Paolucci, K Sycara
International semantic web conference, 37-51, 2005
Friendlee: a mobile application for your social life
A Ankolekar, G Szabo, Y Luon, BA Huberman, D Wilkinson, F Wu
Proceedings of the 11th international Conference on Human-Computer …, 2009
Concurrent execution semantics of DAML-S with subtypes
A Ankolekar, F Huch, K Sycara
International Semantic Web Conference, 318-332, 2002
Sharing content between collocated mobile devices in an ad-hoc private social group
TE Sandholm, A Ankolekar, B Huberman
US Patent 10,958,694, 2021
Concurrent semantics for the web services specification language DAML-S
A Ankolekar, F Huch, K Sycara
Coordination Models and Languages: 5th International Conference …, 2002
The owl services coalition, owl-s 1.1 beta release
A Ankolenkar, M Paolucci, N Srinivasan, K Sycara
Technicalreport, July, 2004
Combining scalability and expressivity in the automatic composition of semantic web services
J Hoffmann, I Weber, J Scicluna, T Kaczmarek, A Ankolekar
2008 Eighth International Conference on Web Engineering, 98-107, 2008
Selection of items from a feed of information
M Brzozowski, WA Vorbau, A Ankolekar
US Patent 8,332,392, 2012
Spinning the OWL-S Process Model-Toward the Verification of the OWL-S Process Models.
A Ankolekar, M Paolucci, KP Sycara
SWS@ ISWC, 2004
A policy framework for trading configurable goods and services in open electronic markets
S Lamparter, A Ankolekar, R Studer, D Oberle, C Weinhardt
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electronic Commerce: The …, 2006
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