Patrice Potvin
Interest, motivation and attitude towards science and technology at K-12 levels: a systematic review of 12 years of educational research
P Potvin, A Hasni
Studies in science education 50 (1), 85-129, 2014
Analysis of the decline in interest towards school science and technology from grades 5 through 11
P Potvin, A Hasni
Journal of Science Education and Technology 23, 784-802, 2014
Differences in brain activation between novices and experts in science during a task involving a common misconception in electricity
S Masson, P Potvin, M Riopel, LMB Foisy
Mind, Brain, and Education 8 (1), 44-55, 2014
Research trends in science education from 2013 to 2017: A systematic content analysis of publications in selected journals
TJ Lin, TC Lin, P Potvin, CC Tsai
International Journal of Science Education 41 (3), 367-387, 2019
Student's Interest in Science and Technology and Its Relationships with Teaching Methods, Family Context and Self-Efficacy.
A Hasni, P Potvin
International journal of environmental and science education 10 (3), 337-366, 2015
Is inhibition involved in overcoming a common physics misconception in mechanics?
LMB Foisy, P Potvin, M Riopel, S Masson
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 4 (1-2), 26-36, 2015
Impact of serious games on science learning achievement compared with more conventional instruction: an overview and a meta-analysis
M Riopel, L Nenciovici, P Potvin, P Chastenay, P Charland, JB Sarrasin, ...
Studies in Science Education 55 (2), 169-214, 2019
Persistence of the intuitive conception that heavier objects sink more: A reaction time study with different levels of interference
P Potvin, S Masson, S Lafortune, G Cyr
International journal of science and mathematics education 13, 21-43, 2015
Toward a durable prevalence of scientific conceptions: Tracking the effects of two interfering misconceptions about buoyancy from preschoolers to science teachers
P Potvin, G Cyr
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 54 (9), 1121-1142, 2017
Teaching and learning science outdoors in schools’ immediate surroundings at K-12 levels: A meta-synthesis
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, P Potvin, HG Lapierre, M Glackin
Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education 13 (8 …, 2017
Regards multiples sur l'enseignement des sciences
P Potvin, M Riopel, S Masson
Éditions MultiMondes, 2007
Experimental evidence of the superiority of the prevalence model of conceptual change over the classical models and repetition
P Potvin, É Sauriol, M Riopel
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 52 (8), 1082-1108, 2015
Proposition for improving the classical models of conceptual change based on neuroeducational evidence: Conceptual prevalence
P Potvin
Neuroeducation 2 (1), 16-43, 2013
Models of conceptual change in science learning: Establishing an exhaustive inventory based on support given by articles published in major journals
P Potvin, L Nenciovici, G Malenfant-Robichaud, F Thibault, O Sy, ...
Studies in Science Education 56 (2), 157-211, 2020
Coexistence of misconceptions and scientific conceptions in chemistry professors: A mental chronometry and fMRI study
P Potvin, G Malenfant-Robichaud, C Cormier, S Masson
Frontiers in Education 5, 542458, 2020
Diverse perspectives on interdisciplinarity from Members of the College of the Royal Society of Canada
SJ Cooke, VM Nguyen, D Anastakis, SD Scott, MR Turetsky, A Amirfazli, ...
Facets 5 (1), 138-165, 2020
The Coexistence Claim and Its Possible Implications for Success in Teaching for Conceptual" Change".
P Potvin
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 5 (1), 55-66, 2017
Using fMRI to Study Conceptual Change: Why and How?.
S Masson, P Potvin, M Riopel, LMB Foisy, S Lafortune
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 7 (1), 19-35, 2012
Two crucial years of science and technology schooling: A longitudinal study of the major influences on and interactions between self-concept, interest, and the intention to …
P Potvin, A Hasni, O Sy, M Riopel
Research in Science Education 50, 1739-1761, 2020
Linking neuroscientific research on decision making to the educational context of novice students assigned to a multiple-choice scientific task involving common misconceptions …
P Potvin, É Turmel, S Masson
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 14, 2014
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