Andrew C. Trapp
Andrew C. Trapp
Professor of Operations and Industrial Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
wpi.edu의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Identifying robust portfolios of suppliers: a sustainability selection and development perspective
AC Trapp, J Sarkis
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 2088-2100, 2016
Overcoming human trafficking via operations research and analytics: Opportunities for methods, models, and applications
RA Konrad, AC Trapp, TM Palmbach, JS Blom
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (2), 733-745, 2017
Placement optimization in refugee resettlement
N Ahani, T Andersson, A Martinello, A Teytelboym, AC Trapp
Operations Research 69 (5), 1468-1486, 2021
Detecting task demand via an eye tracking machine learning system
M Shojaeizadeh, S Djamasbi, RC Paffenroth, AC Trapp
Decision Support Systems 116, 91-101, 2019
Dynamic placement in refugee resettlement
N Ahani, P Gölz, AD Procaccia, A Teytelboym, AC Trapp
Operations Research, 2023
On a Level-Set Characterization of the Value Function of an Integer Program and Its Application to Stochastic Programming
AC Trapp, OA Prokopyev, AJ Schaefer
Operations Research 61 (2), 498-511, 2013
Thermoacoustic heat engine modeling and design optimization
AC Trapp, F Zink, OA Prokopyev, L Schaefer
Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (14-15), 2518-2528, 2011
Operations research and analytics to combat human trafficking: A systematic review of academic literature
GL Dimas, RA Konrad, K Lee Maass, AC Trapp
PloS one 17 (8), e0273708, 2022
Finding Diverse Solutions of High Quality to Constraint Optimization Problems.
T Petit, AC Trapp
IJCAI, 260-267, 2015
Maritime container shipping: Does coopetition improve cost and environmental efficiencies?
AC Trapp, I Harris, VS Rodrigues, J Sarkis
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 87, 102507, 2020
Density of gaze points within a fixation and information processing behavior
M Shojaeizadeh, S Djamasbi, AC Trapp
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Methods, Techniques, and …, 2016
Finding Diverse Optima and Near Optima to Binary Integer Programs
AC Trapp, RA Konrad
IIE Transactions 47 (11), 1300-1312, 2015
The provision of mental health treatment after screening: exploring the relationship between treatment setting and treatment intensity
B Shiner, C Tang, AC Trapp, R Konrad, I Bar-On, BV Watts
General Hospital Psychiatry 36 (6), 581-588, 2014
Optimizing placement of residential shelters for human trafficking survivors
KL Maass, AC Trapp, R Konrad
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 70, 100730, 2020
Enriching solutions to combinatorial problems via solution engineering
T Petit, AC Trapp
INFORMS Journal on Computing 31 (3), 429-444, 2019
Checking solvability of systems of interval linear equations and inequalities via mixed integer programming
OA Prokopyev, S Butenko, A Trapp
European Journal of Operational Research 199 (1), 117-121, 2009
Improving access to housing and supportive services for runaway and homeless youth: Reducing vulnerability to human trafficking in New York City
YB Kaya, KL Maass, GL Dimas, R Konrad, AC Trapp, M Dank
IISE Transactions 56 (3), 296-310, 2024
Aid Allocation for Camp‐Based and Urban Refugees with Uncertain Demand and Replenishments
S Azizi, CDC Bozkir, AC Trapp, OE Kundakcioglu, AK Kurbanzade
Production and Operations Management 30 (12), 4455-4474, 2021
Optimization of minimum set of protein–DNA interactions: a quasi exact solution with minimum over-fitting
NA Temiz, A Trapp, OA Prokopyev, CJ Camacho
Bioinformatics 26 (3), 319-325, 2010
Solving the Order-Preserving Submatrix Problem via Integer Programming
AC Trapp, OA Prokopyev
INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (3), 387-400, 2010
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