Cindy Eisner
Cindy Eisner
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alumni.technion.ac.il의 이메일 확인됨
A practical introduction to PSL
C Eisner, D Fisman
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Reasoning with temporal logic on truncated paths
C Eisner, D Fisman, J Havlicek, Y Lustig, A McIsaac, D Van Campenhout
Computer Aided Verification: 15th International Conference, CAV 2003 …, 2003
The temporal logic Sugar
I Beer, S Ben-David, C Eisner, D Fisman, A Gringauze, Y Rodeh
Computer Aided Verification: 13th International Conference, CAV 2001 Paris …, 2001
RuleBase: An industry-oriented formal verification tool
I Beer, S Ben-David, C Eisner, A Landver
Proceedings of the 33rd annual Design Automation Conference, 655-660, 1996
Efficient detection of vacuity in ACTL formulas
I Beer, S Ben-David, C Eisner, Y Rodeh
Computer Aided Verification: 9th International Conference, CAV'97 Haifa …, 1997
Formal verification of software source code through semi-automatic modeling
C Eisner
Software & Systems Modeling 4, 14-31, 2005
Efficient detection of vacuity in temporal model checking
I Beer, S Ben-David, C Eisner, Y Rodeh
Formal Methods in System Design 18, 141-163, 2001
RuleBase: Model checking at IBM
I Beer, S Ben-David, C Eisner, D Geist, L Gluhovsky, T Heyman, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 9th International Conference, CAV'97 Haifa …, 1997
Comparing symbolic and explicit model checking of a software system
C Eisner, D Peled
International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 230-239, 2002
Model checking at IBM
S Ben-David, C Eisner, D Geist, Y Wolfsthal
Formal Methods in System Design 22, 101-108, 2003
The definition of a temporal clock operator
C Eisner, D Fisman, J Havlicek, A McIsaac, D Van Campenhout
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 857-870, 2003
Using symbolic model checking to verify the railway stations of Hoorn-Kersenboogerd and Heerhugowaard
C Eisner
Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and …, 1999
Resurrecting infeasible clock-gating functions
E Arbel, C Eisner, O Rokhlenko
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Design Automation Conference, 160-165, 2009
A topological characterization of weakness
C Eisner, D Fisman, J Havlicek
Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Principles of …, 2005
Automatic abstraction of software source
I Beer, C Eisner
US Patent 7,146,605, 2006
On the effective deployment of functional formal verification
Y Abarbanel-Vinov, N Aizenbud-Reshef, I Beer, C Eisner, D Geist, ...
Formal Methods in System Design 19, 35-44, 2001
A methodology for formal design of hardware control with application to cache coherence protocols
C Eisner, I Shitsevalov, R Hoover, W Nation, K Nelson, K Valk
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Design Automation Conference, 724-729, 2000
Augmenting a regular expression-based temporal logic with local variables
C Eisner, D Fisman
2008 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 1-8, 2008
Accurate malware detection by extreme abstraction
F Copty, M Danos, O Edelstein, C Eisner, D Murik, B Zeltser
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2018
Basic results on the semantics of Accellera PSL 1.1 foundation language
J Havlicek, D Fisman, C Eisner
Technical Report 2004.02, Accellera, 2004
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