Cost of reproduction in a long-lived bird: incubation effort reduces immune function and future reproduction SA Hanssen, D Hasselquist, I Folstad, KE Erikstad Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1567), 1039-1046, 2005 | 417 | 2005 |
On the cost of reproduction in long‐lived birds: the influence of environmental variability KE Erikstad, P Fauchald, T Tveraa, H Steen Ecology 79 (5), 1781-1788, 1998 | 401 | 1998 |
Scale‐dependent predator–prey interactions: the hierarchical spatial distribution of seabirds and prey P Fauchald, KE Erikstad, H Skarsfjord Ecology 81 (3), 773-783, 2000 | 398 | 2000 |
Costs of immunity: immune responsiveness reduces survival in a vertebrate SA Hanssen, D Hasselquist, I Folstad, KE Erikstad Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004 | 321 | 2004 |
The effect of climate on adult survival in five species of North Atlantic seabirds H Sandvik, KE Erikstad, RT Barrett, NG Yoccoz Journal of Animal Ecology 74 (5), 817-831, 2005 | 320 | 2005 |
Evolutionary signals of selection on cognition from the great tit genome and methylome VN Laine, TI Gossmann, KM Schachtschneider, CJ Garroway, O Madsen, ... Nature communications 7 (1), 10474, 2016 | 226 | 2016 |
Ecological effects of organochlorine pollutants in the Arctic: a study of the glaucous gull JO Bustnes, KE Erikstad, JU Skaare, V Bakken, F Mehlum Ecological applications 13 (2), 504-515, 2003 | 153 | 2003 |
Effect of wintering area and climate on the survival of adult Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica in the eastern Atlantic MP Harris, T Anker-Nilssen, RH McCleery, KE Erikstad, DN Shaw, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 297, 283-296, 2005 | 150 | 2005 |
Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds K Keogan, F Daunt, S Wanless, RA Phillips, CA Walling, P Agnew, ... Nature Climate Change 8 (4), 313-318, 2018 | 148 | 2018 |
Clutch-size determination in precocial birds: a study of the common eider KE Erikstad, JO Bustnes, T Moum The Auk 110 (3), 623-628, 1993 | 146 | 1993 |
Differential responses of common and thick-billed murres to a crash in the capelin stock in the southern Barents Sea W Vader, RT Barrett, KE Erikstad, KB Strann Studies in Avian Biology 14, 175-180, 1990 | 143 | 1990 |
Scale-dependent predator-prey interactions: the aggregative response of seabirds to prey under variable prey abundance and patchiness P Fauchald, KE Erikstad Marine Ecology Progress Series 231, 279-291, 2002 | 134 | 2002 |
Adjustment of parental effort in the puffin; the roles of adult body condition and chick size KE Erikstad, M Asheim, P Fauchald, L Dahlhaug, T Tveraa, P Dahlhaug Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40, 95-100, 1997 | 134 | 1997 |
Parental care in the common eider (Somateria mollissima): factors affecting abandonment and adoption of young JO Bustnes, KE Erikstad Canadian Journal of Zoology 69 (6), 1538-1545, 1991 | 134 | 1991 |
Patterns of incubation and nest‐site attentiveness in relation to organochlorine (PCB) contamination in glaucous gulls JO Bustnes, V Bakken, KE Erikstad, F Mehlum, JU Skaare Journal of Applied Ecology 38 (4), 791-801, 2001 | 128 | 2001 |
An experimental study of the costs of reproduction in the kittiwake Rissa tridactyla KO Jacobsen, KE Erikstad, BE Saether Ecology 76 (5), 1636-1642, 1995 | 127 | 1995 |
Ocean-wide drivers of migration strategies and their influence on population breeding performance in a declining seabird AL Fayet, R Freeman, T Anker-Nilssen, A Diamond, KE Erikstad, D Fifield, ... Current Biology 27 (24), 3871-3878. e3, 2017 | 125 | 2017 |
Immune function and organochlorine pollutants in arctic breeding glaucous gulls JO Bustnes, SA Hanssen, I Folstad, KE Erikstad, D Hasselquist, ... Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 47, 530-541, 2004 | 125 | 2004 |
Size selection of common mussels, Mytilus edulis, by common eiders, Somateria mollissima: energy maximization or shell weight minimization? JO Bustnes, KE Erikstad Canadian Journal of Zoology 68 (11), 2280-2283, 1990 | 120 | 1990 |
Territorial hooded crows as predators on willow ptarmigan nests KE Erikstad, R Blom, S Myrberget The Journal of Wildlife Management, 109-114, 1982 | 119 | 1982 |