Yanjun Ma
Yanjun Ma
Director at Intellectual Ventures
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Soft-x-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the edges of nickel
CT Chen, F Sette, Y Ma, S Modesti
Physical Review B 42 (11), 7262, 1990
Method of forming a multilayer dielectric stack
Y Ma, Y Ono
US Patent 6,627,503, 2003
Electronic states in probed by soft-x-ray absorption
CT Chen, F Sette, Y Ma, MS Hybertsen, EB Stechel, WMC Foulkes, ...
Physical review letters 66 (1), 104, 1991
Doped zirconia, or zirconia-like, dielectric film transistor structure and deposition method for same
Y Ma, Y Ono
US Patent 6,297,539, 2001
High-resolution K-shell photoabsorption measurements of simple molecules
Y Ma, CT Chen, G Meigs, K Randall, F Sette
Physical Review A 44 (3), 1848, 1991
K-shell photoabsorption of the N 2 molecule
CT Chen, Y Ma, F Sette
Physical Review A 40 (11), 6737, 1989
Multilayer dielectric stack and method
Y Ma, Y Ono
US Patent 6,407,435, 2002
Soft-x-ray resonant inelastic scattering at the C K edge of diamond
Y Ma, N Wassdahl, P Skytt, J Guo, J Nordgren, PD Johnson, ...
Physical review letters 69 (17), 2598, 1992
Ligand field strengths and oxidation states from manganese L-edge spectroscopy
SP Cramer, FMF DeGroot, Y Ma, CT Chen, F Sette, CA Kipke, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 113 (21), 7937-7940, 2002
K-shell excitation of the water, ammonia, and methane molecules using high-resolution photoabsorption spectroscopy
J Schirmer, AB Trofimov, KJ Randall, J Feldhaus, AM Bradshaw, Y Ma, ...
Physical Review A 47 (2), 1136, 1993
Core excitons and vibronic coupling in diamond and graphite
Y Ma, P Skytt, N Wassdahl, P Glans, J Guo, J Nordgren
Physical review letters 71 (22), 3725, 1993
Soft-x-ray-absorption studies of the electronic-structure changes through the phase transition
M Abbate, FMF De Groot, JC Fuggle, YJ Ma, CT Chen, F Sette, A Fujimori, ...
Physical Review B 43 (9), 7263, 1991
Oxygen 1s and cobalt 2p X-ray absorption of cobalt oxides
FMF De Groot, M Abbate, J Van Elp, GA Sawatzky, YJ Ma, CT Chen, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (14), 2277, 1993
Aluminum-doped zirconium dielectric film transistor structure and deposition method for same
Y Ma, Y Ono
US Patent 6,060,755, 2000
Angle-resolved soft-x-ray fluorescence and absorption study of graphite
P Skytt, P Glans, DC Mancini, JH Guo, N Wassdahl, J Nordgren, Y Ma
Physical Review B 50 (15), 10457, 1994
Resonant x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy of correlated systems: A probe of charge-transfer excitations
SM Butorin, DC Mancini, JH Guo, N Wassdahl, J Nordgren, M Nakazawa, ...
Physical review letters 77 (3), 574, 1996
Lifetime and screening of the C 1s photoemission in graphite
F Sette, GK Wertheim, Y Ma, G Meigs, S Modesti, CT Chen
Physical review B 41 (14), 9766, 1990
Properties of different selection signature statistics and a new strategy for combining them
Y Ma, X Ding, S Qanbari, S Weigend, Q Zhang, H Simianer
Heredity 115 (5), 426-436, 2015
Soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy of vanadium oxides
M Abbate, H Pen, MT Czyżyk, FMF De Groot, JC Fuggle, YJ Ma, CT Chen, ...
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 62 (1-2), 185-195, 1993
Highly uniform bipolar resistive switching characteristics in TiO {sub 2}/BaTiO {sub 3}/TiO {sub 2} multilayer
WJ Ma, XY Zhang, Y Wang, Y Zheng, SP Lin, JM Luo, ZX Li
Applied Physics Letters 103 (26), 2013
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