Taking time seriously: A theory of socioemotional selectivity. LL Carstensen, DM Isaacowitz, ST Charles American psychologist 54 (3), 165, 1999 | 7437 | 1999 |
The influence of a sense of time on human development LL Carstensen Science 312 (5782), 1913-1915, 2006 | 3399 | 2006 |
Social and emotional patterns in adulthood: support for socioemotional selectivity theory. LL Carstensen Psychology and aging 7 (3), 331, 1992 | 3143 | 1992 |
Socioemotional selectivity theory and the regulation of emotion in the second half of life LL Carstensen, HH Fung, ST Charles Motivation and emotion 27, 103-123, 2003 | 2934 | 2003 |
Aging and motivated cognition: The positivity effect in attention and memory M Mather, LL Carstensen Trends in cognitive sciences 9 (10), 496-502, 2005 | 2622 | 2005 |
Emotional experience in everyday life across the adult life span. LL Carstensen, M Pasupathi, U Mayr, JR Nesselroade Journal of personality and social psychology 79 (4), 644, 2000 | 2579 | 2000 |
Evidence for a life-span theory of socioemotional selectivity LL Carstensen Current directions in Psychological science 4 (5), 151-156, 1995 | 2337 | 1995 |
Social and emotional aging ST Charles, LL Carstensen Annual review of psychology 61 (1), 383-409, 2010 | 2041 | 2010 |
Emotion and aging: experience, expression, and control. JJ Gross, LL Carstensen, M Pasupathi, J Tsai, C Götestam Skorpen, ... Psychology and aging 12 (4), 590, 1997 | 1902 | 1997 |
Time counts: future time perspective, goals, and social relationships. FR Lang, LL Carstensen Psychology and aging 17 (1), 125, 2002 | 1829 | 2002 |
Aging and emotional memory: the forgettable nature of negative images for older adults. ST Charles, M Mather, LL Carstensen Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (2), 310, 2003 | 1753 | 2003 |
Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling. LL Carstensen, B Turan, S Scheibe, N Ram, H Ersner-Hershfield, ... Psychology and aging 26 (1), 21, 2011 | 1679 | 2011 |
At the intersection of emotion and cognition: Aging and the positivity effect LL Carstensen, JA Mikels Current directions in psychological science 14 (3), 117-121, 2005 | 1664 | 2005 |
The process of successful ageing MM Baltes, LL Carstensen Ageing & Society 16 (4), 397-422, 1996 | 1587 | 1996 |
Motivation for social contact across the life span: A theory of socioemotional selectivity LL Carstensen Nebraska symposium on motivation 40, 209-254, 1993 | 1392 | 1993 |
Emotional behavior in long-term marriage. LL Carstensen, JM Gottman, RW Levenson Psychology and aging 10 (1), 140, 1995 | 1215 | 1995 |
Aging and attentional biases for emotional faces M Mather, LL Carstensen Psychological science 14 (5), 409-415, 2003 | 1209 | 2003 |
Selectivity theory: Social activity in life-span context LL Carstensen Families in later life 22, 265-75, 2001 | 1155 | 2001 |
The theory behind the age-related positivity effect AE Reed, LL Carstensen Frontiers in psychology 3, 339, 2012 | 1021 | 2012 |
Increasing saving behavior through age-progressed renderings of the future self HE Hershfield, DG Goldstein, WF Sharpe, J Fox, L Yeykelis, ... Journal of marketing research 48 (SPL), S23-S37, 2011 | 1013 | 2011 |