Boseung Choi
Boseung Choi
korea.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Beyond the Michaelis-Menten equation: Accurate and efficient estimation of enzyme kinetic parameters
B Choi, GA Rempala, JK Kim
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17018, 2017
Inference for discretely observed stochastic kinetic networks with applications to epidemic modeling
B Choi, GA Rempala
Biostatistics 13 (1), 153-165, 2012
Survival dynamical systems: individual-level survival analysis from population-level epidemic models
WR KhudaBukhsh, B Choi, E Kenah, GA Rempała
Interface focus 10 (1), 20190048, 2020
Estimating epidemic parameters: Application to H1N1 pandemic data
EJ Schwartz, B Choi, GA Rempala
Mathematical biosciences 270, 198-203, 2015
Bayesian inference of distributed time delay in transcriptional and translational regulation
B Choi, YY Cheng, S Cinar, W Ott, MR Bennett, K Josić, JK Kim
Bioinformatics 36 (2), 586-593, 2020
Harmful algal blooms and liver diseases: Focusing on the areas near the four major rivers in South Korea
S Lee, J Kim, B Choi, G Kim, J Lee
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C 37 (4), 356-370, 2019
A research for forecasting of rate of university quota according to the reducing of young generation
KW Kim, CH Lee, B Choi
Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society 26 (6), 1175-1188, 2015
Relationship between freshwater harmful algal blooms and neurodegenerative disease incidence rates in South Korea
S Lee, B Choi, SJ Kim, J Kim, D Kang, J Lee
Environmental Health 21 (1), 116, 2022
Multivariate skew normal copula for asymmetric dependence: estimation and application
Z Wei, S Kim, B Choi, D Kim
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 18 (01 …, 2019
Bayesian methods for an incomplete two-way contingency table with application to the Ohio (Buckeye State) Polls
BS Choi, JW Choi, Y Park
Survey Methodology 35 (1), 37-51, 2009
Development of epidemic model using the stochastic method
S Ryu, B Choi
Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society 26 (2), 301-312, 2015
Model selection method for categorical data with non-response
YH Yoon, BS Choi
Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society 23 (4), 627-641, 2012
Bayesian analysis for incomplete multi-way contingency tables with nonignorable nonresponse
Y Park, BS Choi
Journal of Applied Statistics 37 (9), 1439-1453, 2010
Household environment and animal fecal contamination are critical modifiers of the gut microbiome and resistome in young children from rural Nicaragua
M Mills, S Lee, BA Piperata, R Garabed, B Choi, J Lee
Microbiome 11 (1), 207, 2023
Quantifying the relationship between sub-population wastewater samples and community-wide SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence
T Smith, RH Holm, RJ Keith, AR Amraotkar, CR Alvarado, K Banecki, ...
Science of the Total Environment 853, 158567, 2022
Hierarchical Bayesian models of transcriptional and translational regulation processes with delays
MJ Cortez, H Hong, B Choi, JK Kim, K Josić
Bioinformatics 38 (1), 187-195, 2022
A comparison study for accuracy of exit poll based on nonresponse model
J Kwak, B Choi
Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society 25 (1), 53-64, 2014
A development of time-series model for city gas demand forecasting
BS Choi, HC Kang, KY Lee, ST Han
The Korean journal of applied statistics 22 (5), 1019-1032, 2009
A study of epidemic model using SEIR model
M Do, J Kim, B Choi
Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society 28 (2), 297-307, 2017
Beyond the Michaelis-Menten equation: accurate and efficient estimation of enzyme kinetic parameters. Sci Rep 7: 17018
B Choi, GA Rempala, JK Kim
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