Teobaldo Bulhões
The static bike relocation problem with multiple vehicles and visits
T Bulhões, A Subramanian, G Erdoğan, G Laporte
European Journal of Operational Research 264 (2), 508-523, 2018
The vehicle routing problem with service level constraints
T Bulhões, MH Hà, R Martinelli, T Vidal
European Journal of Operational Research 265 (2), 544-558, 2018
A branch-and-price algorithm for the minimum latency problem
T Bulhoes, R Sadykov, E Uchoa
Computers & Operations Research 93, 66-78, 2018
A hybrid algorithm for the multi-depot heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem
I Malheiros, R Ramalho, B Passeti, T Bulhões, A Subramanian
Computers & Operations Research 129, 105196, 2021
On the exact solution of a large class of parallel machine scheduling problems
T Bulhoes, R Sadykov, A Subramanian, E Uchoa
Journal of Scheduling 23 (4), 411-429, 2020
On the complete set packing and set partitioning polytopes: Properties and rank 1 facets
T Bulhoes, A Pessoa, F Protti, E Uchoa
Operations Research Letters 46 (4), 389-392, 2018
Exact approaches for single machine total weighted tardiness batch scheduling
AA Pessoa, T Bulhões, V Nesello, A Subramanian
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2022
New heuristics for the Bicluster Editing Problem
GF de Sousa Filho, TLB Júnior, LAF Cabral, LS Ochi, F Protti
Annals of Operations Research 258 (2), 781-814, 2017
Branch-and-cut approaches for p-cluster editing
T Bulhões, GF de Sousa Filho, A Subramanian, FC Lucídio dos Anjos
Discrete Applied Mathematics 219, 51-64, 2017
Conference scheduling: A clustering-based approach
T Bulhões, R Correia, A Subramanian
European Journal of Operational Research 297 (1), 15-26, 2022
A unified exact approach for a broad class of vehicle routing problems with simultaneous pickup and delivery
R Praxedes, T Bulhões, A Subramanian, E Uchoa
Computers & Operations Research 162, 106467, 2024
Scheduling the Brazilian OR conference
R Correia, A Subramanian, T Bulhões, PHV Penna
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-12, 2021
Branch-and-price for p-cluster editing
T Bulhões, A Subramanian, GF Sousa Filho, LAF Cabral
Computational Optimization and Applications 67 (2), 293-316, 2017
A parallel hybrid metaheuristic for bicluster editing
GF de Sousa Filho, TLB Júnior, LAF Cabral, LS Ochi, F Protti
International Transactions in Operational Research 23 (3), 409-431, 2016
Exact and heuristic algorithms for minimizing the makespan on a single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release dates
R Morais, T Bulhões, A Subramanian
European Journal of Operational Research, 2023
A new family of route formulations for split delivery vehicle routing problems
I Balster, T Bulhões, P Munari, AA Pessoa, R Sadykov
Transportation Science 57 (5), 1359-1378, 2023
The biclique partitioning polytope
GF de Sousa Filho, T Bulhões, FC Lucídio dos Anjos, LS Ochi, F Protti, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 301, 118-130, 2021
An efficient hybrid genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem with release dates
G Soares, T Bulhões, B Bruck
European Journal of Operational Research, 2024
Cluster Editing
F Protti, T Bulhões
Encyclopedia of Optimization, 1-7, 2022
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