Lieven Desmet
Lieven Desmet
Professor Security & Privacy, DistriNet Research Group, KU Leuven
cs.kuleuven.be의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
A study on advanced persistent threats
P Chen, L Desmet, C Huygens
Communications and Multimedia Security: 15th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International …, 2014
JSand: complete client-side sandboxing of third-party JavaScript without browser modifications
P Agten, S Van Acker, Y Brondsema, PH Phung, L Desmet, F Piessens
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 1-10, 2012
Bitsquatting: Exploiting bit-flips for fun, or profit?
N Nikiforakis, S Van Acker, W Meert, L Desmet, F Piessens, W Joosen
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 989-998, 2013
WebJail: least-privilege integration of third-party components in web mashups
S Van Acker, P De Ryck, L Desmet, F Piessens, W Joosen
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2011
Advanced or not? A comparative study of the use of anti-debugging and anti-VM techniques in generic and targeted malware
P Chen, C Huygens, L Desmet, W Joosen
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 31st IFIP TC 11 International …, 2016
Automatic and precise client-side protection against CSRF attacks
P De Ryck, L Desmet, W Joosen, F Piessens
Computer Security–ESORICS 2011: 16th European Symposium on Research in …, 2011
Soundsquatting: Uncovering the use of homophones in domain squatting
N Nikiforakis, M Balduzzi, L Desmet, F Piessens, W Joosen
Information Security: 17th International Conference, ISC 2014, Hong Kong …, 2014
Security-by-contract on the. net platform
L Desmet, W Joosen, F Massacci, P Philippaerts, F Piessens, I Siahaan, ...
Information Security Technical Report 13 (1), 25-32, 2008
Large-scale security analysis of the web: Challenges and findings
T Van Goethem, P Chen, N Nikiforakis, L Desmet, W Joosen
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Trust & Trustworthy …, 2014
CsFire: Transparent client-side mitigation of malicious cross-domain requests
P De Ryck, L Desmet, T Heyman, F Piessens, W Joosen
International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems, 18-34, 2010
Detection of algorithmically generated domain names used by botnets: a dual arms race
J Spooren, D Preuveneers, L Desmet, P Janssen, W Joosen
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1916-1923, 2019
FlashOver: Automated discovery of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in rich internet applications
S Van Acker, N Nikiforakis, L Desmet, W Joosen, F Piessens
Proceedings of the 7th ACM symposium on information, computer and …, 2012
Browser protection against cross-site request forgery
W Maes, T Heyman, L Desmet, W Joosen
Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Secure execution of untrusted code …, 2009
A flexible security architecture to support third-party applications on mobile devices
L Desmet, W Joosen, F Massacci, K Naliuka, P Philippaerts, F Piessens, ...
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Computer security architecture, 19-28, 2007
Threat modelling for web services based web applications
L Desmet, B Jacobs, F Piessens, W Joosen
Communications and Multimedia Security: 8 th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Conference on …, 2005
Serene: Self-Reliant Client-Side Protection against Session Fixation
P De Ryck, N Nikiforakis, L Desmet, F Piessens, W Joosen
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 12th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2012
Bridging the gap between web application firewalls and web applications
L Desmet, F Piessens, W Joosen, P Verbaeten
Proceedings of the fourth ACM workshop on Formal methods in security, 67-77, 2006
Security of web mashups: a survey
P De Ryck, M Decat, L Desmet, F Piessens, W Joosen
15th Nordic Conference in Secure IT Systems (NordSec 2010), 2011
Exploring the ecosystem of malicious domain registrations in the. eu tld
T Vissers, J Spooren, P Agten, D Jumpertz, P Janssen, M Van Wesemael, ...
Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 20th International Symposium …, 2017
A dangerous mix: Large-scale analysis of mixed-content websites
P Chen, N Nikiforakis, C Huygens, L Desmet
Information Security: 16th International Conference, ISC 2013, Dallas, Texas …, 2015
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