Wouter Bleeker
Wouter Bleeker
Geological Survey of Canada
canada.ca의 이메일 확인됨
A new geologic time scale, with special reference to Precambrian and Neogene
FM Gradstein, JG Ogg, AG Smith, W Bleeker, LJ Lourens
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 27 (2), 83-100, 2004
The late Archean record: a puzzle in ca. 35 pieces
W Bleeker
Lithos 71 (2-4), 99-134, 2003
Mineral evolution
RM Hazen, D Papineau, W Bleeker, RT Downs, JM Ferry, TJ McCoy, ...
American Mineralogist 93 (11-12), 1693-1720, 2008
Timing and tempo of the Great Oxidation Event
AP Gumsley, KR Chamberlain, W Bleeker, U Söderlund, MO De Kock, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8), 1811-1816, 2017
Large igneous provinces (LIPs), giant dyke swarms, and mantle plumes: significance for breakup events within Canada and adjacent regions from 2.5 Ga to the Present
R Ernst, W Bleeker
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 47 (5), 695-739, 2010
Short-lived mantle generated magmatic events and their dyke swarms: the key unlocking Earth’s paleogeographic record back to 2.6 Ga
W Bleeker, R Ernst
Dyke swarms–time markers of crustal evolution, 3-26, 2006
Long-lived connection between southern Siberia and northern Laurentia in the Proterozoic
RE Ernst, MA Hamilton, U Söderlund, JA Hanes, DP Gladkochub, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (6), 464-469, 2016
Large Igneous Provinces and supercontinents: Toward completing the plate tectonic revolution
RE Ernst, W Bleeker, U Söderlund, AC Kerr
Lithos 174, 1-14, 2013
Paleoproterozoic gabbronoritic and granitic magmatism in the northern margin of the North China Craton: evidence of crust–mantle interaction
P Peng, J Guo, M Zhai, W Bleeker
Precambrian Research 183 (3), 635-659, 2010
U–Pb baddeleyite ages, distribution and geochemistry of 925 Ma mafic dykes and 900 Ma sills in the North China craton: evidence for a Neoproterozoic mantle plume
P Peng, W Bleeker, RE Ernst, U Söderlund, V McNicoll
Lithos 127 (1-2), 210-221, 2011
Boninite series: low Ti-tholeiite associations from the 2.7 Ga Abitibi greenstone belt
R Kerrich, D Wyman, J Fan, W Bleeker
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 164 (1-2), 303-316, 1998
The Central Slave Basement Complex, Part I: its structural topology and autochthonous cover
W Bleeker, JWF Ketchum, VA Jackson, ME Villeneuve
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 36 (7), 1083-1109, 1999
Age of the world's oldest rocks refined using Canada's SHRIMP: The Acasta Gneiss Complex, Northwest Territories, Canada
RA Stern, W Bleeker
Geoscience Canada, 1998
Archaean tectonics: a review, with illustrations from the Slave craton
W Bleeker
Episodic, mafic crust formation from 4.5 to 2.8 Ga: new evidence from detrital zircons, Slave craton, Canada
AB Pietranik, CJ Hawkesworth, CD Storey, AIS Kemp, KN Sircombe, ...
Geology 36 (11), 875-878, 2008
Lithosphere development in the Slave craton: a linked crustal and mantle perspective
WJ Davis, AG Jones, W Bleeker, H Grütter
Lithos 71 (2-4), 575-589, 2003
Sulfide mineralogy, geochemistry, and ore genesis of the Kidd Creek deposit: Part I. North, Central, and South orebodies
MD Hannington, W Bleeker, I Kjarsgaard
Seismic imaging of massive sulfide deposits; Part I, Rock properties
MH Salisbury, B Milkereit, W Bleeker
Economic Geology 91 (5), 821-828, 1996
In situ U–Pb SIMS (IN-SIMS) micro-baddeleyite dating of mafic rocks: method with examples
KR Chamberlain, AK Schmitt, SM Swapp, TM Harrison, ...
Precambrian Research 183 (3), 379-387, 2010
New structural-metamorphic constraints on Early Proterozoic oblique collision along the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Canada
W Bleeker
The Early Proterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen of North America. Edited by JF …, 1990
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